25. Alone

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

Susan's words were echoing in my head. What if she was right, I was being selfish. Luke was giving me everything and I was happy but what if what I was giving him wasn't enough? I mean, come on, Luke is hot. I am so not. Why would he, over a sea of girls crazy about him, pick me? I'm no one special.

I ditched the group and went back to the cabin after dinner. It was not nice to seventh wheel at all. Luke was nowhere to be seen either. I sighed and opened my poems book. Of course I turn to the poems book when I'm alone. It never lets me down.

It was strange:

the girl who was as loved as the sun,

had only the moon

to comfort her

at night.

- A.V.R.

Yes, something as simple as that summed up my mood. I was alone right now, in my cabin. Usually at this time, Luke and I would hang-out but, apparently, he's AWOL. I don't know what's up anymore. I miss him.

On cue, someone knocked. I stood up to get it. It must be Elle, Ems or Velvet. They're probably done with their date, which was weird since curfew was still in 2 or 3 hours. I don't know.

I opened the door and, to my surprise, it wasn't Elle, Ems or Velvet. It was Luke. Well, it wasn't really a surprise. A part of me was hoping it would be him.

"Hi," I smiled slightly. Luke didn't say anything, instead he pulled me into a hug. "Um, okay," I said against his chest, hugging him back. Luke buried his face in my hair. "I'm sorry," he said against it. "I'm sorry."

I pulled away. "For what?" I asked him. "For going AWOL," he said. "I'm sorry. I should've told you where I was. I ran into Michael and he started rambling about how you were looking for me." I made a mental note to thank Michael later.

"Come inside," I pulled the door so he could enter. We both sat on my bed, silence growing. I sighed, deciding to break it. "I'm sorry," we both blurted out.

"I'm sorry about last night," I said. "I shouldn't have done something like that. I just wanted to give you something because I felt bad for turning you down on your Birthday." Luke shook his head. "I'm sorry for wasting your effort," he said. "It wasn't that I didn't want it. Trust me, Jane, if it was possible, I'd let you fuck me and vice versa all day."

My eyes widened and Luke realized what he said. "Sorry," he chuckled. "But you know what I mean. I'm sorry, okay?" I smiled and nodded. "Let's just forget about it," I told him. "Yes," he laughed. "Although you trying to sedüce me almost made me want to pow. Seriously though, you should rįde me some---"

"Luke!" I shrieked, getting all freaked out by his dirty talk. "Sorry," he laughed then turned all serious. "I love you, Jane." I kissed him quickly then pulled away. "I love you too, Luke," I said. "So very much."

Luke and I laid on my bed, cuddling the life out of each other. I was nearly on top of him since my bed was a single bed. Only one person could fit and Luke was a giant. Seriously, compared to my 5"4 height, he was 6 ft. tall.

"So how was your day?" Luke asked. "It was fine," I said. "Michael and Elle just declared me godmother of William Clifford." Luke laughed and kissed my forehead. "I love them together," I told him. "I love us together," Luke remarked. "We're an awesome couple."

"We are," I agreed. "I'm so lucky I have you." Luke shook his head. "No," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm so lucky to have YOU," Luke said, emphasizing the last part. "I'm really glad." I smiled and rested my head on Luke's chest.

"I'm glad," Luke went on. "I'm glad that I got a cocaine addiction. I'm glad that I was sent to rehab and this damn camp. I know my experience sounds horrible but I'd gladly do it over again if it means meeting you."

I hovered over Luke, so I was on top of him and we were now staring into each other's eyes. "I have a poem," Luke announced. "Really?" I smiled, getting off of him and sitting on the edge of the bed. Luke did the same thing. "Yeah," Luke said, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Listen, okay?"

"I didn't fall in love with you.

I walked into love with you,

with my eyes wide open,

choosing to take

every step along the way.

I do believe in fate and destiny,

but I also believe

we are only fated

to do the things

that we'd choose anyway.

And I'd choose you;

in a hundred lifetimes,

in a hundred worlds,

in any version of reality,

I'd find you,

and I'd choose you."

"...Unknown Author," Luke finished. "It's beautiful," I told him. "I love you." I kissed his forehead. "I love you," I kissed his nose. "I love you," I kissed his lips and he wasted no time in returning it.

He slid his tonguē in my mouth and it felt like a dance inside mine. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist, laying down and bringing me with him. The kiss was never broken till he lifted my shįrt over my head, his following after.

"Do you have protectiøn?" I asked him. Luke nodded and grabbed a silver wrappēr from his pocket. I took it and went in between his legs, near his clothed manhood. "Let's do this," I said before pulling his bøxers down, finishing where we left off from last night.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

We were both completely båre under the covers. I was sweating even though it was cold at night. Luke tied the condøm into a knot and threw it in the bin beside my bed. He kissed my forehead and began to put on his discarded clothes.

"You should dress up," he said. "We don't want the others to walk in on us now, right? They'll lecture us about being hormonal teenagers doing it in a cabin." I nodded and put on my underwear, shirt and pajama shorts.

"That was pretty sexÿ though," Luke said. "You doing those figure-eight motions. I could get used to---" I gave him a look and it kept him quiet. "Not now, Luke," I smiled. "We can do it some other time. I don't want Ems, Elle or Velvet walking in on us now." Luke laughed and nodded.

"It's almost curfew," he said. "I should go." I nodded. "I'll walk you to the door," I said as we made our way. Before I opened the door, Luke pinned me against the wall and gave me a kiss. "Good night, babe," I beamed. "I love you."

Luke was about to open the door when he turned and faced me one more time. "Jane," he said. "Yeah?" I smiled. Luke was silent for a second before he sighed. "Nothing," he said. I didn't buy it, but I didn't want to push him either. "I just want you to know that I love you."

"I love you more," I said. Luke chuckled. "Good night, baby," he said. "Sweet dreams." He opened the door and walked out.

I smiled and laid in bed. I was alone once again but at least I saw Luke, and that's what matters to me the most. I closed my eyes then, waiting for sleep to come.

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