Beach Breakaway

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Day 4, Week 2


Peter: *waiting at the beach with Ned for Mantis to finish changing*

Ned: Yo dude! How long is she gonna take in there?? *looks at the passing clouds*

Peter: *checks the time on his phone* ... I don't know.

Ned: Man, I swear if I stand on this boiling sand for a minute longer, my feet are gonna melt and steam away! Peter, could you tell her to hurry up??

Peter: Mantis is really unpredictable. I don't know how she'll react to that. I mean, it's only her first time at the seaside, so she won't exactly—

Ned: Hey Peter *turns Peter's face towards the changing rooms*

*Both see Mantis coming towards them wearing a sexy black-and-green bikini*

Ned: Is that your girl?! She's sexy! *barely recognises her*

Peter: And too sexy it would seem *entirely speechless*

Mantis: Hi Peter! Hi Ned! *approaches them* Are you ready to go??

*Boys and girls alike notice her as they pass by*

Peter: *too focused on her to reply*

Mantis: Peter?? Are you ok?? *touches his forehead* You feel intense shock.

Ned: Hey Peter, dude! *slaps his face*

Peter: *wakes up* OWW! I'm awake! I'm awake!

Ned: *mumbles to himself* Thank god.

Mantis: This shirt feels too tight on me. It will cut off my blood circulation if I don't loosen it *reaches for the clasp on her back*

Peter: *now focusing on Reality* O-oh don't do that!

Mantis: *unknowingly unclips bikini bra and watches as it slips off*

Peter/Ned: AAAHHH!!!!

Ned: *shuts his eyes and turns away*

Peter: *quickly hugs her to his chest to avoid anyone seeing her breasts*

Mantis: Oh! We're hugging?? Ok! *hugs him back, unaware of what she just did*

Peter: *mistakenly looks down at her chest and blushes furiously* U-uhh *gulps and looks away*

Mantis: I feel so much better now! Don't you, Peter??

Peter: Here, let me just ... *struggles to unbutton his shirt and button it back onto her without looking down*

Ned: Peter, what's happening over there?? *doesn't want to risk checking*

Peter: Almost ... Phew! *sighs in relief and waves sheepishly to ongoing lookers watching the commotion*

Mantis: *adjusts the huge beach wear she's wearing now* C'mon let's go beach-combing now! *runs to the seaside*

Peter: Wait wait, Mantis! Slow down! *picks up her bikini bra and stumbles behind her*

Ned: *takes his hands off his eyes* Peter?? Mantis?? *looks around and sees them playing in the waves without him* Hey hey hey wait for me! *darts after them*


*The three of them rest at a beach bar*

Ned: I'll go grab us a seat *takes off to find a table, leaving Mantis and Peter behind*

Girl Bartender: Hi! Your orders, please?

Mantis: I will have a Tequila Sunrise *reads drink off the menu on the counter*

Peter: And I'll have a glass of whiskey.

Girl Bartender: Done! *makes the drinks and presents it to them, before noticing Peter's strong build and muscles* You should try out for my modeling agency *talking to Peter* I'm short of any volunteers and I need a few ... Recruits *smiles slyly at him*

Mantis: *looking between the two of them jealously*

Peter: Oh, I-I don't know about that—

Girl Bartender: You'd make a good idol *slides her business card towards him* And I'll have plenty of b*tches you can mess around with ... Me, for example.

Peter: *too polite to refuse* I—

Mantis: He's not interested! *slides the business card back to the bartender* So unless you understand what "no" means, I'd back the hell off.

Girl Bartender: Excuse me? I was talking to him. And who are you supposed to be, his mother?!

Mantis: I am—

Peter: She's my girlfriend *wraps an arm protectively around Mantis*

Mantis/Bartender: *stares at him in shock*

Peter: You heard what she said *stares at the bartender firmly*

Girl Bartender: *still in a state of surprise but soon composes herself* Whatever. I'll find someone better to replace *turns away to assist another costumer*

Peter: *helps take Mantis' drink to their table* Hey Bugsy? Thanks for covering me earlier. Didn't know you had that in you.

Mantis: There are many things you don't know about a person until you take the time to get to know them better. But why did you say I am your girlfriend?? Didn't you say we were only friends??

Peter: I did, but she seemed like a real b*tch. Thought I'd give her a taste of her own medicine *sits down next to Ned*

Mantis: *goes quiet*

Ned: Yo dude! I saw your infiltration with that hot bartender just now. What did she say to you??

Peter: Nothing you'd want to know. Now let's drink!

Mantis: Cheers!


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