Its our Earth, Its our job to save it

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February 12th 2018,

I went out with my bestfriend Wendy and her brother's to the town beach today. We had decided that we were in some serious need for some tanning. Plus, Wendy needed to babysit her two seven year old brothers and what better place to do that, then the beach?

When we had reached the already packed beach and had settled down onto the warm sand, I noticed that the litter in the water had discretely increased. Just a couple of sweet rappers and a few plastic bags.

Seeing as no one payed any heed to it, I guess I just brushed it off as just my imagination though...

June 14th 2018,

The news had spread. A baby turtle was found washed up on our shore. Cause of death? A plastic bag had gotten caught around the little creatures neck.

It was just one unfortunate incident, right?

August 11th 2018,

I watched this documentary on pollution today. It had been the one about the increasing stats of water pollution and how we were so close to losing most of earth's water and wildlife to it and I couldn't stop thinking about the weird increase in litter on our beach.

I'm just over reacting right? Surely thats not going to happen in my lifetime...

October 1st 2018,

I went snorkeling with Wendy today. I tried my best to admire the sea life but the floating plastic bags, bottles and sweet rappers kept stealing my attention, causing this stirring within the pit of my stomach. The same stirring which occurs when something bad is going to happen.

I guess I'm just over reacting...

November 23rd 2018,

It was on the news today. Our town beach water is completely covered in litter. One of the worst cases of pollution our country as ever seen in over a decade, the reporter had said.

I couldn't help but get this nagging feeling within me as I stared at the pictures flashing on my television screen. Piles of waste covered our once beautiful beach.

We surely couldn't have saw it coming, right?

Then why do I have this sense of guilt constantly gnawing at the back of my head...

December 25th 2018,

It's Christmas day. Its been a week since the town beach had been officially closed off to the public. A hazard to the community, it was deemed. Theres no beach to relax on or cool down on in our town anymore. Just one small community pool.

Its funny how we don't realise how much we need something until it's actually gone. Thinking back, If I had taken notice to the litter whilst it had just started accumulating, would our beach be closed off today?

Sometimes we fail to see the damage we cause, even if its placed right infront of our eye's. I can't help but regret my failure to take action against this pollution.

After all,

Its our earth, it's our job to save it...

(500 WORDS)

Regrets. #PlanetorPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now