Chapter 16

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Is it a dream?... OMG!!! What the FISH!!!!!...

But the feeling of kissing him... the feeling have a Romantic candle light dinner with him at the beach was so real....!!! The feeling jumping at my bed till 2 am at the morning felt so real!!!...

Damn that!!!....

Saya buka mata besar-besar!... am i dreaming??.....


Saya depa tangan and buat tepukan di muka sendiri...



Saya tengok jam... 

6 o'clock....

Saya berlari pergi ke tingkap and buka curtain.. Gelap Everywhere....!!


Oh no!!!.... saya baru bangun tidur... and... i have to get ready as soon as possible... because tonight was my first dinner date with Dylan... 

I felt want to cry.. because.. the dream Felt so real...!!!!
And i want it so bad to be real!!!.....

And i hate it!!!..... of course because its not!!!....

Can i cry?.......

Because... We kissed...!! and.... it just was a Damn Dream!!!!!!!



"Good morning world..."

Ni hari saya bangun dengan perasaan yang terlalu gembira... 
Thank God for what happened last night...

Saya tengok jam tepat jam 6 pagi.. i hope my surprise for her this morning will make her smile..
She is special to me..Last night was an awesome night and that is my first time doing something crazy like that.. even my ex semua pun saya tidak pernah buat macam tu.. i don't know why..Rasa macam pertama kali jatuh cinta..Feel like i wanna be the most romantic guy for her... 

And I stay up late last night and just to google... how to be a perfect Boyfriend..?  what words will melt woman heart..? and what a perfect date called?

I am crazy...
I am insane...
I am deeply...
madly.. truly i am..
Foolishly completely falling in love with her...

I took MC today because i want to have a  date with her again...but this time i guess i need to do something different.

So after taking shower....and Get ready .

Saya tengok jam dinding...Menunjukkan Tepat jam 7 pagi...

So saya berdiri...dan bersedia 

Ting! Tong!

Bunyi lonceng pintu . 

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