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I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't speak.

All I could do was keep running from the creature that chased me.

I tripped on my own feet, my head hitting the ground harshly. I closed my eyes tightly for a moment, trying my best to ignore the throbbing pain in my head.

When my eyes open, two bright red eyes burn into my own.

A deep growl is all I can hear.

My eyes roll back, and the world goes dark.


I start screaming as my eyes fly open and I jolt upwards, my whole body trembling.

Frantically looking around, I realize I'm in my bed, in my room, safe.

I hear panicked footsteps coming to my room, and soon after my door flung open and a familiar mint haired human ran towards me.

He sat on the edge of my bed and put his hand on my cheek, "Kook! Are you okay?.." He said as my long fuzzy ears pinned flat against my head.

"N-nightmare.." I muttered, as I cuddled close to his chest.

"Again?.." He said, before getting up and opening my curtains, letting the light of the sunrise spill in.

I squinted and held my hand over my eyes, letting out an annoyed groan.

"Hey, even I want to sleep all day, but you gotta get up and eat." He said, as he pat my head before leaving.

I didn't bother getting up, until five minutes later I hear Yoongi yell "Guess I'll just hide all your carrots!"

And god damn it nobody messes with my carrots.


??? P.O.V

It was the middle of the night, the lights of streetlamps, headlights, and shops that were somehow still open lighting my way.

I pushed through a small crowd of people, (who I guessed were returning home from work,) with my black hood pulled over my head, covering my fluffy ears, and I had my tail tucked into my jacket.

I could barely stay on my feet, let alone walk, but I had to get away from all the damned humans, and find a suitable place to sleep.

I've always hated humans.. And most other hybrids, really. I just never liked the idea of being a 'pet' for those bastards.

When I was younger I lived in a pet store, and when somebody finally adopted me.. Well, it didn't end well for either of us.

Finally I got out of the crowd, tripping over my own feet a few times along the way.

After a while I could barely stand anymore, stumbling into the yard of a cute looking two story house, it's walls painted a pleasant shade of blue.

I hid by the side of the house, before my legs finally gave out, and I fell to the ground with a loud thump.

And there I stayed for a few minutes, before I heard shuffling inside the house, and a sweet scent hit my nose.

Lavender, mint, and...


My eyes widened a little as I looked above me, there was a window, and it was open a crack, which must be where the smell was coming from.

Great job Taehyung, you hid under an open fucking window.

The shuffling stopped for a moment, before I saw two sweater paw hands open the window all the way.

I pressed against the wall, covering my mouth with my hand and closing my eyes tightly. I don't know what I thought I would accomplice by doing this but I did it anyways.

I heard a soft squeak, followed by a sweet sounding voice, "H-hello?.."

I finally convinced myself to look up at the person in the window.

A rabbit hybrid, with dark brown hair and fuzzy ears.


"U-um.. A-are you lost?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit, his ears flopping a little.

I was speechless, both from the shock of being found, and pretty he was..

I'm straight.. Right?..

His nose twitched a bit, a cute smile appearing on his face, making him look even more like a rabbit, "Stay right there!" He said, before disappearing into the house again.

After a couple seconds the bunny boy came running towards me from the front of the house, before crouching down beside me.

"What's your name?" He said, his little bunny smile still stuck on his face.

"..Taehyung.." I mumbled, before seeing his ears drooping forwards a little.

"Oo.. My name's Jungkook!" He chimed, before leaning towards me, his nose twitching again.

"You smell funny.." He mumbled.

"O-oh.. R-right.." I say, as I pull my hood down.

Instantly his ears drooped, pinned flat against his head, his eyes widening a bit. It broke my heart to see his smile fade, nothing but fear left on his face.

Sadly, hybrids share the same fear of predators that animals do.

"Hey.. I won't hurt you, I promise." I say as I reach my hand out to him, my fluffy ears going back slightly.

I saw him move back a little, before I reached my hand out a little more, in a desperate attempt to earn his trust. And finally, but very hesitantly, he reached his sweater paw hand out and gently placed it in mine, earning a warm smile from me.

"See?" I say, as his little smile returned, making my heart melt.

A moment later he finally spoke again, "Do you.. Have a master?"

My ears pinned flat against my head, as I realized I was still holding his hand, pulling my hand away from his and tucking my hands between my legs, sitting like a puppy.

"I'm.. A stray.."

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