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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Can you walk?" The bunny said, gesturing to my legs, which at the moment felt like jelly.

"No, I don't think so.." I muttered.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging at me until he got me to my feet. I fell into his chest, earning a soft squeak from him.

He then helped/dragged me to the front of the house, and we were both shocked to find another hybrid sitting on the porch, his tiny, chubby hands between his legs, similar to how a cat would sit, probably because he was one.

The cat looked confused as to why I was leaning on the poor rabbit, whose arms were still around my waist.

Jungkook's ears drooped again, "J-Jimin! What are you doing here?!" He squealed, scaring the calico cat a bit.

"I was.. Lonely without Namjoonie.." The cat, whom I gathered his name was Jimin, said.

"Aiish.. He told me he'd be going out tonight.. I guess I forgot to tell you.." Jungkook whined.

At this point, I was utterly confused.

Jungkook's ears perked up again, "Isn't Jinnie-Hyung home?" 

"He wasn't home either.. Hyung must have brought him.." The cat mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what's happening?" I ask, getting a glare from Jimin.

"O-oh, right, Taehyung, this is Jimin, he's.. Also a stray." Jungkook said, as a slight smile appeared on the cats face.

There was a long and awkward pause.

"U-um.. I should be getting Taehyung inside.." Jungkook said as he shuffled the both of us up the stairs of the porch, past Jimin.

Jungkook opened the door, before glancing back at Jimin, "I'll bring you a snack later, kay?" He said, earning a shy nod from him.

Jungkook dragged me into the house, shutting the door behind him with his foot, before plopping me down on the most comfortable couch my ass has ever experienced.

I was so close to falling asleep until Jungkooks voice, which was very close to my ear, kept me from my long awaited nap.

"You hungry?" He said, whispering a small sorry when he realized he scared me.

"Why is that even a question. Hell fricken yes." I say in the most dramatic voice possible.

I know I've only known this little bunny for a barely half and hour, but I already felt very comfortable around him.

I heard a faint giggle from him as he ran to the fridge, opening it and sticking his head inside.

"We haaave.. Pizza.. I don't even know what that is.. Strawberries-"

"Strawberries?!" I yelled, turning around on the couch, my arms hanging off the back.

Jungkook giggled again, "Does that mean you want some?"



Seokjin's P.O.V

I held the oversized pink sweater up in front of me, smiling a little before throwing it in the cart, which was already full of new clothes and toys.

"Jesus Jin.. How much stuff do you need?" I heard my masters voice say from behind me.

I turned to him, "All of it. Aaaaaall of it."

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