Emerson Barrett

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Imagine Emerson trying to seduce you and he was being all flirty and sexy

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Imagine Emerson trying to seduce you and he was being all flirty and sexy.

"(y/n) come on."

You were blushing and smiling the whole time and went to give him a hug when he got close enough

Imagine you and his mother were talking about Emerson, all good things just slightly embarrassing

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Imagine you and his mother were talking about Emerson, all good things just slightly embarrassing. Emerson walked into the room and...

"-and then he ran through the room naked! He was two years old and running around bare bottomed!" his mother was saying.

He, immediately, when he heard that, walked out as fast as he possibly could because he knew you'd never let him live that down.

Imagine you were doing a video with Emerson and CrankThatFrank

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Imagine you were doing a video with Emerson and CrankThatFrank.

"Hey come on screen with your boyfriend." Frank said

"Who?" you joke

Emerson immediately raises his hand "That would be me, darling."


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