Chapter 21

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Your P.O.V
"What's up Namjoon?" I asked him as we sat down. Well, Namjoon was a great friend of mine of course..but we weren't close to a large extent which made me curious of why he wanted to talk to me seriously all of a sudden.

"We're friends aren't we?" He asked and  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Nope" I teased him.

"Yah! Stop that I'm being serious here" he raised an eyebrow giving me a straight face.

I cleared my throat, "Okay tell me what is it".

"I think you're the one who should tell me though" he blurted causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"Me? About what?" I tilted my head, puzzled by his answer.

He started talking "I knew you fought with Taehyung...look, I know we don't talk that much but I can really help you. You can trust me" he said sincerely.

"I'm pretty sure you can do that, you have an IQ of 148 after all" I scoffed and he chuckled a little. Well, he was really someone I could rely on..I started telling Namjoon everything from the start, how Taehyung always got jealous and asked me to distance myself from Yoongi, what happened with Yoongi and the fight we had today. He listened attentively to me while nodding after each part.

I finally finished as I took a deep breath, he stayed silent for a few moments before his lips parted as he started talking "Woah I didn't know all that happened, I knew there was always something going on though" he declared trying to process everything I mentioned.

"That's how my life turned to be so depressing and stupid, I can't take anymore of this honestly." I sighed looking at my feet.

"What Taehyung did was really wrong but...maybe you should talk to him. We can talk to him too you know, Taehyung understands and he's a sweet person. I admit he's being so possessive and all but like how about you try and change that?" Namjoon suggested. He actually has a point, maybe I should really think about it properly. The thing is...something is wrong with my feelings..I'm pretty sure there's something different. I'll figure it out though, I definitely will.

"You know Namjoon, even though you're such a pervert most of the're really something aren't you?" I smiled at him and he smiled back showing his cute dimples. Uhh so mean.

"I'm glad you could open up to me, I'll keep helping!" Namjoon uttered still smiling.

"Thank you Namjooniee" I gave him a thumbs up and he ruffled my hair. Jeez, why do they always do that?

Author's P.O.V
"Yah Kim Taehyung...what happened?" Jin asked looking at Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok gave eachother worried glances.

"Nothing hyung." Taehyung scratched the back of his head, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Why did you both fight?" Jin asked and Taehyung got surprised for a second

Jin got closer to Taehyung's side, "We already know about it Taehyung so tell us so that we can help."

"Uhh-I..fine" Taehyung sighed heavily as he started telling them about his fight earlier with (Y/N).

"Taehyung-ssi, the way you think isn't right. You should trust her and understand that she loves can't just solve the problem by telling her to distance herself from everyone. Also, having other guys as close friends doesn't make her an attention seeker, you should really apologise to her!" Jin demanded getting slightly angry from how childish Taehyung was acting.

"But hyung!" Taehyung started but Jin interrupted him.

"Don't but me know you're the mistaken one this time, she didn't do anything wrong and yet you talk to her like that?" Jin signified making Taehyung feel guilty.

Taken For Granted || Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now