Chapter 42

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The kiss lasted shorter than I'd hope but it had to be stopped. As our lips pull apart I look up at Austin with confusion.

"Ally I-"He starts but I cut him off.

"Come here."I grab his wrist and drag him to one of the janitor closets.

I take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair as silence falls over us.

"Say something."He finally says, his face looking almost hopeless.

"What do you want me to say?"I sigh. "I'm not one to cheat Austin."

"Neither am I."He runs one of his rather large hands through his blonde hair.

"Then why did you kiss me? What happened back there?"I question.

"I realized something."He speaks.

"Which was?"I indicate for him to go on.

"I realized that I want to be with you. I was blind not to see that it's you, it's always been you, Ally. Lexi was just a distraction for while I was gone."He rambles.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that, Austin?"

"Ally, listen. I know I've screwed up big time. I shouldn't have listened to Lexi and ignored you. Let alone Emily. But I want to make things right again. I wanna be with you."

"What do you mean you shouldn't have listened to Lexi?"I question, more curious about that situation.

"She- She told me to stop hanging around you, that I shouldn't be spending as much time with you as I was. And I was willing to make things work for our relationship."He explained. "But if you haven't noticed I can't stay away from you. It's hard for me to do."

I nod. "Austin, I still have feeling for you. I don't think I've even stopped. I wanna be with you."His face lights up at my words. "But you're with Lexi, and I don't want to be the reason that you guys break up. I can't be that you two do."

"But what if I break up with her because I want to because I'm tired of being with her since she's not the one I really love?"He says in more of a statement than a question.

I shrug. "Then it just happens I guess."

Once again silence falls over us until I speak up.

"I'm gonna go now, everyone's probably wondering where I am."I mumble, before exiting the closet and heading back over to my friends.


It's been exactly two days. Two days since the kissing incident. Two days since Alex had to leave back home. And two days since I've last talked to Austin.

I may have ignored a few of his calls but I have a good reason....

I just needed time to think over everything that has happened and it's wouldn't helped if I was talking to the main source of my problems.

Currently I was in the middle of school. At my locker, getting out my books for next period.

Trish was next to me, telling me how she met this cool guy that was 'incredibly gorgeous'.

"You should go for it."I encourage her.

"But what if he doesn't like me that way?"She asks nervously.

"I doubt that."I say just as announcements come on.

"Good Afternoon, Marino High."Our principal voice appear through the loud speakers. "It's your principal and I'm here to announce the winner of the singing competition."

"I'm so winning this."I could hear Lexi say from the other side of the room.

I roll my eyes as I continue to listen to principal Griffin.

"After collecting votes from Friday and this morning, I've been able to calculate them together to decide a winner!"He says.

"And that person is..."He pause a moment, adding on a dramatic effect."Ally Dawson!"

I stare at Trish in shock as she congratulates me.

"Not only will Ms. Dawson win the competition but she'll be singing a song at tomorrow's school dance !"He announces.

"oh my god."I say, not knowing what else to do.

The hallway erupts in claps but it's soon interrupted by an annoyed Lexi.

"This is so not fair ! I worked my ass of for this competition! I spent endless days organizing the school dance! I deserve to win! This was my time to shine ugh!"She screams, before stomping down the hall.

"Crazyyyy."Trish sing songs causing me to laugh.

"You can say that again!"


A/N: okay so, sorry for not updating but if you read my rydellington fanfic you would've known that I didn't update last week bc I was on vacation so I didn't have time.

You should know that there's probably gonna be 3 chapter left of this book omg.

I've been writing this fanfic since last year and it's finally coming to an end holy fuck.

I'm not sure if I'm gonna make a sequel to it. Maybe if I get some convincing after the epilogue and if I'm able to think of plot for it idk.

Hope you liked this chapter. Give it a vote if you did !

I shall be updating soon.

And sorry if this update is short, I'm typing from my phone since my laptop isn't fixed and I usually write longer chapters on my laptop.

Comment if you have any questions about this story. Do you like Lexi? Who should Austin be with? And do you think Ally will ever tell Emily?

Plus if you have questions about future chapters or if I should make a sequel comment it !!

Plus I saw that this fanfic almost has 100k reads oh my godd!! Thank you all so much!!! Ilysfm!!!

I'm gonna go now, byeeee !

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