t.o + l.l*

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The Maid || Thor Odinson + Loki Laufeyson

Requested: Yes, @FoxyTheRedFemaleFox

Scenario: Y/N is a maid that works in the palace of Asgard. One day Y/N has to clean up the mess of Loki and Thor's argument. Little does Y/N know that that fight was about her.

Word Count: 2549 words

Warning: Little bit of angst, unprotected sex, threesome, oral (you know what I'm gonna say, wrap it before you tap it, kids.)


No-One's P.O.V

Objects flew across the room; shards of glass lay embedded in various pieces of furniture. "It's the maid, isn't it?" The god of mischief asked his older brother. Another goblet came flying in the direction of his head. "No." Thor grunted sarcastically under his breath. 

"Listen," Loki began "She is a maid. Nothing more. A servant." More items came soaring through the air, similar to Mjolnir in a furious battle. "Oh, brother, she is much more than that," Thor mumbled. 

"Her body is like it has been carved from the most sacred of clay by the all fathers. Her smile could light up all of Asgard. Her laugh brings joy to any being that hears it. She is much more than just a servant." Loki gazed at Thor from across the room, trying to keep a safe distance away. 

"What would father say if he heard you say such things?" The god stopped launching articles of the precious dining room at his brother just to listen to what he had to say. "How would he react if he saw his golden child  fawning over this serving girl?" Loki spat. 

The siblings stared at each other, a standoff happening in their minds. "Piss off!" Thor shouted as he stormed out of the room. Loki looked around the room, eyes glazed over. Little did the god of Thunder know that his wicked little brother pined over the same girl. He slid out of the room, ready to bury his head in a book so he could forget the war of emotions happening inside of him.

Y/N's P.O.V

My hands graced the silk sheets of the bedroom. I pulled the covers over the bed, smoothing them out. "Miss L/N, the all father has requested your presence in the throne room." Another maid alerted me. My heart sunk as the words met my ears. "I shall be there." I replied.

As I walked to the throne room, multiple scenarios raced through my head. "I haven't done anything wrong, have I?" The guards greeted me at the door, bowed and let me in. Feet shuffling along the golden floor of the throne room, I advanced on the King. "Y/N," He greeted me with a warm smile. 

"I am sorry to inform you that my sons have, yet again, made a mess. I would like you to clean it up for me." I nodded as I accepted my orders "Yes, all father." He waved his hand at a guard "Please escort her to the dining hall." The guard held his hand to his chest and then dropped it by his side.

"Oh my goodness." A shocked remark left my mouth as I saw the disarray the gods has made, a sigh left it shortly after. I picked up a cloth that rested on the once-whole table so I could collect all the shards of broken glass. 

One piece after another, I began to collect them. My ears perked up as I heard laughter come from the corridor. Vibrations of a raspy voice came through the thickness of the door. "It's okay, brother. It was merely a petty argument about a girl." Loki said as both princes waltzed through the doorway. My actions stopped the second they walked in. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

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