Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice - My Version - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I let the guardians lead me into the car and back to the airport. I didn't fuss because I knew they were just doing there job. They took me to a private airport and the journey only took around twenty minutes. I was surprised that there was a runway so close but I guessed it was only used in important situations. The guardians mainly stayed quiet apart from telling me that it was time to board the plane. When we got onto the plane, which took us to the Royal Court, the guards aloud me to sit on my own knowing that any escape would have to involve parachutes and jumping out. I wasn't planning on going anywhere though. I sat back getting comfortable in the wide seats and concentrated on being with Lissa. It only took a minute and I was back in the Belikov household only this time I wasn't actually there.

"So, that's it then, it settled." Everyone in the room was nodding. What was Lissa talking about? What was settled? I hated not being involved in everything. It made me feel alone and a little left out. I guess I had missed anything important because my Mother, Abe and his guardians were leaving for the night. Lissa headed over to Dimitri, I smiled knowing that we were back together and I couldn't wait for all of this mess to be dealt with. She had sat now next to him. He no longer looked at her in awe, he just smiled like a friend would.

"Hey, are you ok?" He nodded.

"Yeah, it just seems stupid that they had to take her tonight, why not tomorrow?" Lissa shrugged. "I don't know but they had to, you know that, it's just there jobs." Dimitri put back on his guardian face realizing that if he had to he probably would as well. At least he knew I was innocent in all of this though. "I'm glad you and Rose managed to sort things out. She seems so much happier now. I still can't believe that I didn't figure things out when we were at the Academy." Dimitri stayed silent for a second but then replied to Liss.

"I'm glad too. I was so worried that being with her would hurt her that I thought it would be best to stay away. It was the wrong choice to make and I'm glad I had people around who understood and guided me back onto the right path." Lissa smiled and so did I.

"You seem much happier too you no. Now that you're back together you seem to be more yourself."

"I think I am. Rose made me feel better about myself. I can never forgive myself for what I have done but she makes it easier to live with."

"Well I think Rose is worth living for." Dimitri's lips quirked up a bit but he put his guardian face back on.

"So do I." Lissa got up to leave Dimitri alone, as she was getting up though she noticed he had his book in his hand.

"Good book?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Rose was reading it before I got to Russia and I wondered where she was up too." He smiled looking down at the book knowing that I had probably enjoyed the last chapter. I actually had, it was really good.

Lissa walked over to Christian and put her hand into his.

"Are you ready to get back, we have another early morning." I smiled at the thought of them still going strong. I think if Lissa had her way she would spend every second of the day with Christian. "Yep, I guess we will have to prize Eddie away from Viktoria though." They both laughed. I had been so caught up in all the problems that we were having that I didn't notice Eddie and Viktoria were getting close. I was happy for them. Eddie needed a distraction in his life. Someone to help him get over Mason because I think deep down he was still grieving. It was a shame that he would be leaving her tomorrow though. It seemed weird that neither of them looked unhappy at the thought of Eddie leaving. Maybe they were putting on brave faces. Maybe they were just living in the now. Who knows, at least they were enjoying each others company. Christian shouted over to them. "Hey, sorry to break up your little two person party but were going in a minute." They both looked at each other shyly, one another's cheeks going red. I don't think they had even kissed or anything yet so it was all brand new t

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