a love story :)

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~a love story~

The soft growl of the espresso machine purred in the corner as the bustle of students walked into the small cafe. The tiny bell above the door rang subtly, the group of teens chattering at the table. Her eyes flickered away from the teenagers, before pausing in place at him. He strutted through the glass door, head held high, glasses on the brim of his nose, his hair sprayed with snowflakes from the light snow outside. She swore her heart lurched to her throat. He'd been coming to the cafe everyday during her shift.

"Why does he only come here during my shift? It's like he knows I work between 1:30 and 7:30 everyday." She'd always wondered about the mysterious man, even during her stressful hours into the night, working on some essay or another for college due the next day. Her mind was always occupied; she was always thinking about everything from her annoying professors to her beautiful dog, but he always managed to drift into the front of her thoughts.

When he walked up to the counter to order, she acted as put together as possible prior to scrambling to the counter and plastering on a smile. Of course, she kept herself composed as she took his order.

"Hey," was the first thing he said.

"Hi, how are you today?" was all she could get out without stuttering.

"I'm great, and you?" She simply nodded with a smile on her face.

His hair swayed in the light breeze from the door opening and closing. Small specks of snow fell off as he softly chuckled, making the smile on her face grow immensely.

"What can I get for you today?" she asked, slightly hoping he took his time thinking about his order just so she could stare at his face longer.

"Hmm...well maybe I could try something new today. I always get the same thing. I come here pretty often, you see."

"I know. I know you do." Now was not the time for her imaginative thoughts to attack her mind.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." She tried to sound passive aggressive, but it wasn't really coming off that way. She internally cringed, but composed herself once again.

His order was forever imprinted into her mind.

"Can I get a small extra hot caramel macchiato with extra caramel?" She smiled as she put the order into the system.

"Why are you smiling? Is it funny that I like my sugar?" he said, sarcastically.

"No, not at all. It's just that you ordered the same thing that I get everyday before I leave," she responded.

"Well then, I guess it's meant to be," he said with the slightest smirk on his face.

"I guess it is," she agreed, not knowing where this surge of confidence was coming from. She finalized the order in the system. "That'll be $4.75. Will it be card or cash today?"

"Um... I'll do cash. I might have the exact change so let me just see if I do. I know how hard it is to get the right amount of change out for those people who only pay in large bills. I hope I can help out." The small gesture of looking through his wallet to find 4 dollars and 3 quarters may not be a big deal to others, but to her it really was. No one really wanted to help out the waitresses at the cafe. The fact that this person would take time out of his day doing who knows what to help her out just made her day that much better.

"Wow! Thank you so much! Not many people understand the problems that we have. I'm guessing you have experience in that aspect of the job," she said as she wrote his order on a cup.

"Affirmative. I used to work at the bookstore down the street, and that's where I learned that people do not appreciate those who spit in their food."

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