Party! (Cameron Dallas) for Lexy

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Me and my best friends Shawn, Jacob, and Jack Johnson were all heading to a party at some guys house named...Cameron i think.

When we arrived to the house I could hear the vibrations and feel the vibrations from the music on the concrete. We walked in and headed to the kitchen or i think it was the kitchen i really don't know. Shawn walked up to a really attractive burnett with a really great body build "Hey Lexy come and meet Cameron!" Shawn yelled over the music. 'So that's Cameron! He's cute!' I thought while walking over to them.

Cameron looked me up and down liking his lips ' Why the hell is he- wait its probably the dress' I think to myself. I'm dressed in a skin tight looking baby blue dress that goes just above the mid-thigh "Hi I'm Lexy!" i said extending my hand out to shake his, but he pulled me into a hug ' Guess he's a hugger'  I made a mental note "I'm Cameron, you might need it tonite!" he seductively saids into my ear. I just smirk and pull away "Where's Shawn?" i ask just realizing that Shawn is MIA.

I walk away from Cameron to go find Shawn, but Cameron just followed me! After 5 minutes of looking i got tired and went to the kitchen to get a drink. When i walked into the kitchen Cameron walked infront of me and stopped me "What do you want Cameron!" i said getting annoyed at his actions "I want to get you a drink." He told me while turning around and pouring a clear liquid in a red cup "What is that." i asked pointing to the cup "Vodka." He said with no emotion "Ok" i exclaimed before i chugged the liquid in my mouth. It burned but i didn't mind "I want another please?" i asked Cameron which caused him to smirk "Ok." He told me while pouring more into my cup "Want to dance?" he asked me holding his hand out for me to grab "Sure" I said before he practically drug me to the dance floor.

My head was feeling dizzy so i turned around and saw that Cameron didn't look to well either maybe even worse "Hey Cam my head feels funny i think i need to lay down" i yelled at him and he just nodded his head and took my hand in his "You can lay down in my room! Is that ok?" He asked while opening a door to which lead to his room. I just nodded and continued to follow him to his room "Ok here w-" He started but was cut off by me tripping and landing on him and him being drunk off his ass didn't help cause we both ended up falling "I'm so sorry!" i giggled "Its ok" he said while leaning his face closer to mine "Cameron what a-" i began but was cut off by his lips smashing into mine.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back. Our lips moved in sync until Cameron turned us over so that he was on top. He moved his hands to the back of my legs and wrapped them around his torso. He lifted us up and slammed us into a wall so he could put more force into the kiss. He trailed his lips to my neck and kissed, sucked, and nibbled which caused me to let a loud moan escape my lips "God. I. Have. Been. Waiting. All. Night. For. This. Lexy!" he said between kisses.
*Put on Show Me by: Chris Brown*

He moved us to the bed slowly and pushed us down and climbed up on top of me. He trailed his hands up my dress and unzipped it "I need you Lexy! Like right now!" Cameron exclaimed sliding my dress down and throwing it across the room "Then take me." i whispered/moaned into his ear. I moved my hands to the buckle of his belt and slowly/teasingly unbuttoned his pants and slid them down to his ankles. He swiftly took off his shirt and climbed on top of me once again. He moved his hands down my back and to the front of my underwear, he slowly moved them to the side and slowly put in two fingers he moved them slowly in a circular motion "STOP FUCKING TEASING ME!" I yelled/moaned he smirked and pulled my underwear off and tossed them over where my dress is and unhooked my bra and chucked it behind him.

He kissed up my stomach and made his way up to my mouth again. He slid his boxers down and walked over to the nightstand and pulled out a condom "I-I want to put it on you!" i studdered "Ok." he exclaimed walking back over to me and handed it to me "Here ya go Lexy." he said. I ripped it open and rolled it on slowly i looked up to see Cameron biting his lip "Ok you ready?" he asked hovering over me "Yeah!" i said and he jammed into me "URGH!" I screamed "God!" he moan and thrusted faster.

He kissed me and hia thrust started to get sloppy "I-I close Cameron!" I moaned "Me too bae!" He moaned before he released i came slowly after him "BEST SEX EVER!" we screamed before falling over and going to sleep.


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