Day One.

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This is my first fanfiction, don't hate on me.

I will accept any ideas, you have for the story , thank you :) x.

It would mean alot if you added this to your library for updates! I'd appreciate feed back! Twitter; @clearlyhemmo , private message or comment! X

It was a year ago when my brother past away,as a result of my upset, I kept my self away, excluded from everyone but my family and kept my head in a books. At the moment I plan on getting an internship;to be a Lawyer, four weeks into summer. My Dad says it's for the best, saying the competition is high. I trust his decision as he has already been through it. Although I feel quite against this decision, I want to feel the full benefit of summer.

At the moment I stand at graduation, surrounded by people; which over the four years haven't gotten to know and I probably never will, year book in hand. Yet I feel so lonely.

I turn to my parents, who have wide smiles on their faces.

My Mum gently squeezes my right cheek and says "We're so proud of you, sweetheart"

A quiet 'Thank You' is all I can manage.

In the corner of my eye is see my one true friend, Hayley,standing with her parents.She is the only one I kept by my side, as she understood. Her little sister sadly past away from lung cancer when she was only seven years old. We would have sleepovers and cry out all our pain as we didn't want our relatives to see us in a state of our pain. We were comfortable with each other. After that we would watch a comedian on television, only to keep the feeling of drain hidden a little more longer.

I decide to walk over, just as my parents get into a deep conversation about my other brothers girlfriend, Stephanie.

She spots me and puts hold her conversation with her parents.

"Violet" She grins"I believe i haven't signed your year book"gesturing to the year book in my hand.

"No,I'll sign yours and you sign mine" I suggested.

We trade year books, she starts laughing and points to an odd picture of some popular guys making silly faces.I laugh as well,wondering who they are and how well they will do in the future when to me they will be long gone,only a distant memory of their faces. To them the memory of a first year,being loud with her collective group friends which just unknowingly disappeared.

I tug my wavy hair behind my hair before finding the picture of Hayley and I,then signing.

By this time I had noticed that our parents were now together having a conversation,both couples looking deeply interested. I then came to the conclusion my Dad had began to speak about my Internship showing great ego.

"This weekend we're going to Hale Country Club for dinner, do you think your family would like to come?" Hayley says.

"I reckon they would do,lets go confirm this" I grin.

While making our route across the grass, I spot something new, or should I say someone.The boy wears a thick denim jacket, his hair is dramatically styled up, hands in his pockets.

Then I recognized the figure,to be Luke Hemmings. I had heard a rumor from my brother before he passed,that he got sent to jail he said nobody knows why. Suddenly I notice he had caught my eye and we were gazing into each others eyes,what seemed like a long time. Hayley thankfully noticed I was almost in a trance, nudging my elbow lightly with hers.

"What?" I asked slipping out of the haze. The boy hand enlightened me with.

"You do realize you were staring right?"She chuckled lightly.

"Oh" A crimson blush spreading upon my cheeks.

"It's okay,don't be embarrassed"She lightly chuckled before adding" Violet's got a boyfriend that she'll never see again!"In a strange voice.

We both laughed.

We let our parents finish their conversation,before awaring them of our presence.

"Mum,would it be possible if Violets,family join us this weekend?"Hayley asked her parents curiously.

"Well if they would like to"Her Dad gestured to my parents,with his hand.

"That would be great wouldn't it"my Dad nodded. A few seconds later my Mum and I joined him with the action.

"Sorted then, two o'clock at Hale Country Club?" said Hayley's Mum questioned.

"Brilliant"Mum answered.

Hayley and her family travelled to another group of people and made conversation. Leaving me with my parents. A few minutes later my brother calmly joined us, encouraging for my help, as the plack dedicated to our beloved brother was covered unrespectfully in silly string. As we wiped it away,I told him about the weekend with Hayley's family, he seemed very pleased that he didn't have to make the effort to make plans this weekend, and suggested that he invited Stephanie, which I went along with.

"Hey Violet!"An unknown voice called from behind me.

I span to identify the owner, it was Lottie a popular girl from the year group.

"Can we have a photo?"Her mouth wided with a put on smile.

I travelled up the steps and stood with the group, but then she gave me her camera and thanked me with utter grimace. So I travelled down a few steps, and took two photos for her then returned it.'That one's going on Facebook' I heard someone state. I didn't have Facebook I thought it was a waste of time,I'd much rather text. Making my way down the steps I saw that my brother was waiting for me with his arms intently crossed.

"I thought that was going to happen anyway"I said, no emotion in my voice.

"Well luckily for you, you may never see them again." Jace stated patting my back.

More people added onto my mental list of who I will never see again. As I knew the vast majority had made commitments to see each other every week or something or other. Hopefully I will meet people at my internship.

As Jace and I walked through the crowd of people which were leaving graduation,my phone buzzed. Making me jump, earning a squeal from me.

From Dad: "Meet us at the gates please"

"Jace, we need to meet Dad at the school gates"

He nodded in reply.

As we walked I spotted people taking many photos with each other,I felt a deep feeling of jealousy.

I'm betting that they go to a party soon. It was than I knew what I wanted,I wanted a party for graduation.If it messes up it is okay because I doubt I'll see these people again,other than Violet,obviously. I was knocked out of my small trance when I walked into a tall guy.

"Woah,watch wear you're going" he said cheerfully.

I peered up;keeping my year book to my chest,it was him. Luke.

"I'm sorry I-"

"May I signed your year book?"He smiled cheekily."I'm not in your year but oh well" He added

"Of course." I hadn't received many signatures from pupils, It was mainly teachers.

I pasted it over to him, he intently gazed at some of the photos before flipping it right to the back. He pulled out a pen from his back pocket. I watched him, his lips slightly pouted as he concentrated on the ink. Then he passed it back.

"Thanks" I say shyly.

He nodded his head before walking of to his group of friends. I ran after my brother who was in the car with our parents.

"Sorry,I just got another signature."

"It's okay" My Dad reassured.

I opened my year book to see Luke's signature, and smiled.

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