Day Two.

19 7 3

It's going to get more interesting soon, keep reading!

I looked astonished at Michael. My notes of suspicion were right, Luke's friends were rebellious. But I don't know how far this would go on the reckless side. That's if I accept to do this.

"Sounds.." Luke paused, identifying my reaction to Michaels words. "Good." A smirk beginning to form.

I stood there slightly wide eyed. Before my wrist was grabbed and got into the back seats on the car. I am getting in a car with people hardly know. But I some how I know I will return.

Hayley and Michael joined in the front and Michael started to drive.

"Right, before we do anything adventurous, I'm hungry so were going to McDonald's, okay?"

"I'm not complaining."I told him.

"You had something to eat like, half an hour ago mate!" Luke laughed.

Hayley and I joined in the chorus of laughs.

"There is always room for McDonald's."

"Or Starbucks."I added eagarly.

The car was drove into a quint village. Many people seemed to be in the town square, the market hustling and busseling. There was many house with thatched roof with I found rather adorable.

"Ooo you can take roof down." Michael said, excited. Observing the inside of the car.

We got to McDonald's, venturing into the drive way

I was asked if I wanted anything by Luke, I passed telling him I had eaten already.

Then we travel to an area by the sea. The view was stunning. The sun glimmering down onto the waves. A collection of people sunbathing here and there, and two fishing boats bobbing up and down. Michael parked the car facing the gorgeous view.

I stole one of Luke's chips, thinking he didn't see me.

"Hey! I thought you said you weren't hungry" Luke winked.

"Like Michael said, there is always room for McDonald's." I said a light giggle escaping.

Luke arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to his side. His hot breathe trickled down my neck forcing me to shut my eyes.

"You're cute."

We then shared a small gaze.

"So what now? Michael asked, taking a bite from his burger.

The owner of this car seemed wealthy he could be into gold, so maybe he had a spare golf club club and balls. Or maybe he left the bag in his car. I'm wondering if Michael would enjoy getting his revenge on the guy.

"I have an idea." I announced.

"And that is?" Hayley questioned.

"Stereotypically, wealthy people enjoy playing golf."

"Yes" Michael said,rolling his eyes. My words reminding him of the ignorant man.

"Well,maybe he left his golf gear here?" I shyly spoke.

"And?" Michael questioned.

"And you could hit the golf balls into the sea?" Luke grinned, finishing my sentence.

"Yeah"I said looking up at him, from his secure hold around my waist.

"Maybe now you can get your revenge and hit the golf balls into the sea, he'll never see them again!" Luke proudly stated.

My idea wasn't along those lines but to put the golf gear into a nearby bin, his idea was much more exciting. I decided to get out the car and the others joined me, before Michael collected the golf gear from the boot. I was right I thought. I smiled to myself as a reaction.

Michael made his first attempt at hitting the golf ball into the ocean, it made it onto the beach. He sighed and said.

"This isn't working." Michael groaned.

"Maybe you need to gain some height." Luke told him, acting all macho like he knew his stuff. Luke then took the items from Michael's grip and climbed up to the roof of the car. Before hitting the golf ball into the sea.

Everyone shouted 'Aye' then Luke jumped down and allowed Michael to continue his revenge. He took a some more shots which landed in the sea but the last one didn't. The ball was aimed on a sunbathing woman's stomach. She shot straight up and shouting profanities to the group.

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth trying not to laugh, but the others had a different idea they were laughing loudly. Michael was on the floor laughing while Hayley and a Luke both clenched onto their stomaches. It's not nice to laugh at someone in the way. But I'm not so concerned about Luke and Michael, it is more about Hayley. I had finally released that she has been acting differently. I had come to the conclusion that it was because we were with guys. She was acting like someone she really wasn't.

"Shit we better go." Luke said, mid laugh.

I ran into the car and Michael revved up the engine. The car travelling fast anywhere possible. We reached a road, a stretch of open space either side. Michael pressed a button and the roof came open.The wind brushing my shoulders causing my wind to blow backwards.

Then I wildly decided to stand up. I put my arms out , my kimono allowing the wind to push it back. This felt amazing, I had never felt so good. I felt free.

Suddenly I felt slightly dizzy and wobbled backwards. Luke's hands quickly grabbed my knee.

We reached a motorway so I decided to sit down, CCTV cameras may catch me acting wild and if my Dad finds out that I have been acting this way; with people I hardly know, he would be fuming.

I fasten my seat belt when Luke told me.

"You looked an angel."

I blushed at his comment, he is the only guy to have spoken me this way.

We reached Hale Country Club to a large crowd of people. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and guilt.

"They took my car!" The wealthy man shouted.

I could feel Luke smirking at my right.

Then I saw my parents they looked in my direction more than shocked.

sorry it's a short chapter but it was the other part of day two, also sorry for any errors,typos etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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