Going Away

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Namjoon's pov

I could hear my alarm ringing but I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I fell back asleep for a few minutes when I heard my alarm go off again. I picked up my phone to check what time it was, "Shit, I'm going to be late to work!" I quickly got out of bed and put on some light blue jeans, a black and pink sweater, and some black converse. I fixed my messy hair and then went to the kitchen to grab a granola bar and then ran out the door before my boss noticed that I was late for the 3rd time this week. I got in my car and drove to the cafe. When I got there I was greeted by my co-worker and best friend Jimin, he waved at me and I waved back as I walked over to him. "Hey Namjoon" he said as he smiled brightly. "Hi Jimin" I said returning his friendly smile. Luckily my boss wasn't there, he must be coming in later.

The cafe is usually busy in the morning, then quiets down for lunch and then only some regulars come in the evening. I took the orders while Jimin made the drinks. We got through the morning rush and then it was time for us to take a break. I love the chocolate mint cookies that we make so I took two of those and asked Jimin to make me a caramel macchiato. "Why do you always ask me to make your coffee, you know how to make it too." He said annoyed. "But when you make it for me it tastes so much better" I said with a pout, I know he can't say no to me when I do. "Fine, but only because you're so cute" he giggled. I look down as a light blush came over my face.

Jimin's pov

As I start to make the drinks, I look over at Namjoon who was staring out the window like usual. It's a habit I wonder what he's thinking about. I finish making our drinks and walk over to him and place them down on the table. We sit in silence until Namjoon takes a sip of his coffee and then he looks up at me, with glossy eyes. "What's wrong Joonie?" I ask him and reach for his hand as he begins to talk. "I was just thinking, I have to leave soon and I don't want to. I like my job here at the cafe and I love working with you." I could hear the sadness in his voice, he had applied to a college that was a few cities away and got accepted.

Since he was going to live on campus, he wouldn't have time to work at the cafe full time anymore, but he was still going to come by now and then to help out and earn some cash. "I love working with you too Joonie, I don't want you to leave either." He smiled that typical Namjoon smile, you know when his cute little dimples show and he is just the cutest boy ever.

Namjoon's pov

I can't help but smile when Jimin says that he'll miss me too, he is so sweet. As we sit there in silence just looking at each other, content with just looking into each other's eyes and holding hands, our manager walks in. "Hey, are you not gonna work?" I let go of Jimin's hand and stand up "Yes sir, we were just taking our break." He smiles and tells me not to worry since there usually aren't a lot of customers around this time. Then he walks into the back room where his office and the storage room is. Jimin and I clean up and get ready to get back to work. As were cleaning two men walk in, "Hello, welcome. What can I get for you today?" I say with a big smile. The tall orange haired man orders first "I'll have a black coffee." The shorter mint haired man looks at me for awhile before saying anything. "I'll have a caramel macchiato" "Okay that'll be seven-fifty." The oranged haired man pays and then they go and sit at one of the tables.

I can't help but listen in on their conversation. "He's cute, isn't he yoongi?" the orange haired man says to the mint haired man. Yoongi huh? That's a nice name, I like it. "Hoseok, just drink your coffee, and shut up." Hoseok gives him a heart smile and laughs. Yoongi turns to look at me and we lock eyes. I get nervous and look away, making me blush a bit.

Yoongi's pov

"The cashier is kinda cute, such a shame I'm probably not his type." I say indirectly at hoseok. "One you're everyone's type and two, how do you even know he's gay?" Hoseok questioned "I don't, but he doesn't seem like he's into girls." Just as I said that a girl walked into the cafe and the cashier greeted her with the same smile he greeted us with. "Hello, welcome. What can I get for you today?" he said in the cutest tone. The girl orders and then has a seat at the table in front of us. I turn back around to face Hoseok and I see that he is checking out that girl. "She's pretty hot, huh hyung?" "Yea she may be, but you know the rules Hoseok." I said "I know" he sighs then laughs.

"Your order is ready miss" The cute peach blonde boy says. The girl gets her coffee and leaves, Hoseok just looking at her through the window as she walks away. I laugh and he looks at me "Hyung, but that applies to you too" he says as he gestures to the cashier. I smirk "Oh, really? I didn't know" Hoseok scoffs. I get up and walk over to the counter and lean against it. "Hi there, what's your name?" The boy looks a bit confused but answers my question nonetheless. "My name is Namjoon." He gives me a quick smile "I'm Yoongi" I say as I extend my hand for him to shake it, he hesitates before taking it. "You're really cute Namjoon." He looked at me with wide eyes, then a faint blush appeared on his face. I smirk at his reaction "thank you, Yoongi" he finally replies giving me a smile, showing his cute little dimples.

"Don't thank me" I said "you just made my day better" I flash him a gummy smile, that makes him smile even more. "Well, I hope the rest of your day goes well." I nod and walk back to Hoseok who is glaring at me. "What?" I say "you know what hyung, you made that rule you can't just break it because of some cute dude." I smile and we head out of the cafe I faintly hear Namjoon say "I hope to see you soon" I hope I do too Namjoon, I thought to myself.

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