Chapter 31:Sister

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"Where is she?!",he ran after hearing what Levy had to say.He might not of been close to the young lady as Natsu was,but there was definitely a bond between them.Many thought they were a couple at times,but in actual fact they were like siblings.At least 'he' thought of her as a slightly younger sister.

He praised her as if being her big brother and protected her when Natsu wasn't there to save her.

If he didn't,Natsu would've attempted murder on him.'Of course he would 'attempt' murder,not commit.He couldn't even kill me if he tried to.'

He hurried towards the place he assumed was the place only to be grabbed by the arm.He quickly turned his head to face the person who held him back."You cannot go in there,Gray.", Jellal's voice was stern yet considerate.He knew the young man was worried,but on the other hand nobody could go in.It would make everything worse for both him and the people who were under pressure in there.

"Jellal?",Gray questioned.He let go of the  ice wizard's arm as soon as he noticed the young man had calmed down."Porlyusca-san and Natsu along with another doctor is in there right now.Their operating now...on Lucy...I suggest you don't go in,your only going to be a distraction.They could be doing something very critical.",he explained.

Gray looked down. 'Distraction?Natsu's in there too?I...see.'People had always mistaken his protectiveness as love,mostly Juvia,but they half right.He really cared about Lucy but as a brother.He knew for a fact that Lucy and Natsu were made for each other and he had to admit it's fun to make him feel jealous,just to annoy him.

Even if there was nobody else for Lucy,he was already in love with someone else.Of course if Lucy hadn't come to Fairy tail he wouldn't of met his  true love.He was grateful.

He owed her that much for the many things she'd done.Including,saving his friend's life.Saving Fairy tail,by sacrificing one of her celestial spirit keys.Gray knew how special those were to her.

He was truly grateful and though he doesn't know he has done equal amount of things for her and Fairy tail,he still felt that he owed her.Her and many people and this was a chance to help and repay her for all her kindness.Ot also was a way to repay Natsu for all that he has done too,by helping.

The question is,'what am I supposed to do then now?I can't even be a help...'

Gray slumped down,while he sighed.He can't help her I. Anyway at this point,all he could was wait for the results.He couldn't do anything,but wait...

"Here.",a blonde haired man placed a plate in front of him."Thanks.",Gray said just loud enough for him to hear.He had been waiting for quite a while.It was frustrating to wait.

Sangi scowled.He was sensitive and knew when something was a sensitive topic or not,but what he couldn't stand was the depressing state everyone was in.Worried and angry at them all.They should have more faith in them.

Of course he knew that he was the last person that should speak.He couldn't count the times he has lost faith,but this time something just told him that he should be strong.He should have faith and believe.

There was no doubt that she was going to be fine...right?

"Your welcome.By the way,I'm Sanji.You are?",he introduced,trying to make a conversation.

"Gray... Fullbuster.",Gray blinked at the sudden question.

"Wasn't there another guy that came with you?",the cook asked."Yeah,Gajeel,his probably talking to Levy or something.",Gray said looking the other way.

"Levy?You mean the small cute one?What's his relationship with her?",Sanji asked with concern.Gray gave him a confused look.This one is...strange.Should I even answer him.I don't feel like it,though.

Sanji waited for a reply,but nothing came.The only thing was a constant frown on his face.He had seen a confused expression on his face,but ot turned into a frown after.He didn't know if it was a normal thing or was he actually sad.Honestly he seemed like a real...Zoro.

"Well?",he asked in a more demanding tone,but it didn't provoke any if Gray's defensive side or his remarks he gave off to Natsu.

Gray looked up from suprise.Oh,was that a real question.I don't feel like answering,he reminds me if an idiot,but a idiot who knows how to cook.

"Well,Gajeel and Levy are planning to get married in the new future.Why?",The ice maker wizard lifted his head,which he had lowered when he was talking,only to see a sulking blonde cook sitting opposite me.

Gray heard him say something about,but she and  cute one.

Gray sighed.His definitely a weird one,but then again I'm weird too.Even though I wouldn't admit it out loud.

"They were meant to be,apparently.I wouldn't want to be on there shoes,if their future children ask how they met.",Gray said staring at the door as if it was the most interesting thing.Than again he wasn't interested in anything right then and there.

Sanji blonde suddenly looked up,his depressing side being take over by his curiosity."Why?"

"Well,lets say,it wasn't pretty..."

Sanji nodded,he might be women crazy,but he wasn't at all too nosey.A question popped into the cooks head,"What's your relationship with Lucy?"
Gray whipped his head to Sanji,"What?"

"You're not deaf so answer my question.",Sanji said.

Gray gave him a glare,he breathed in and out,"...I don't get that question."

"Unlike,that Jellal guy,you seem much more close to Lucy than any other boy I've met here,besides Natsu.",Sanji explained and he wasn't just making an excuse to talk.He wouldn't even bother trying to make a conversation,unless he actually wanted to talk.

"She' a sister to me.I mean,if I didn't meet her I wouldn't have a chance to meet...a certain someone.She saved Fairy Tail sacrificing something special to her.You know,a lot of the members consider a very special person."

Sanji nodded as he seemed to pour out his emotions.He triggered those emotions that Gray had been keeping in.

"That's why it's really hard for us to see her like this.For everybody..
For me and Natsu... She's part of our team so I'm one of the most closest to her.Thats why...",his frown deepened as he trailed off.

Sanji had a serious yet understanding expression on his face.He wasn't one to cry or easily cry.Even when they lost the Marry,honestly he wanted to  break down,but he had to stay strong for the others.Along with Zorro,but that mos head is cold hearted anyway.

"You don't need to worry though.Chopper is one of the best doctors you can have.A long with the most determined and stubborn boy I've ever met.Well other than Luffy of course."

Gray seemed to lighten up a bit,"Well,I guess than has to do work extra hard.He better do it for the both our sakes.Other wise I'll make it my duty to personally murder him.",he smiled.

Smiles being contagious,Sanji gave a small smile too.

"So,whom is this certain someone you met because of Lucy."

Gray's face immediately gave a face of horror.

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