Chapter 12

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Okay so i finally uploaded. I apologize for the late update. SORRY! oh this is unedited..

Please comment and tell me what you think. Also, i would like to know if you think the story is going too slowly or too quickly? or any other suggestions you would like to make. 

Please vote if you like, but most importantly COMMENT! Even a word is an encouragement to me! 

This chapter is dedicated to 04butterfly13! Thank you so much for commenting on every single chapter and also for making the cover at the side! You're absolutely amazing and i am so happy to have you as a reader!


His midnight blue eyes were focused on the uneven ground before him as he ran frantically though chest-high weeds. The mixture of sweat and rain plastered his damp blonde hair against his chubby cheeks. While twisting around hysterically to catch a glimpse of the person chasing after him, the young boy tripped and was engulfed by the vegetation that encircled him.

I tried to move towards him but my limbs were frozen in place. I could only observe the struggling child from a distance.

The sobbing child wrapped his fingers around the large hand that was extended to him and pulled himself to his feet. I watched in horror as the same hand gave the boy a forceful shove that sent him tumbling face down onto the ground. 

“Stop crying.”

A stern voice reverberated around the vast field.

I shut my eyes hastily before the long leather whip came in contact with the boy’s pure flesh. However, I was not spared from the loud crack of the whip as it sliced through the air and the muffled scream that ensued.

“Displaying emotions makes you weak and vulnerable.”

For every tear shed, an additional red line stood out against his pale skin. Every scream was responded with the wrath of the whip. Angry red scars decorated his weak body, some fresh and some old. They represented his pain, fear, longing, desperation, sorrow and anger.

“I am human! How can I not feel?” the boy sobbed angrily as he braced himself for another blow.

“By all means, feel! I am not asking you to tune out your emotions. I am telling you to conceal them,” commanded the voice.


“Wear this.”

With trembling fingers, the child lifted the mask to his face.

“Camouflage the pain in your eyes,

conceal anger with clever lies,

supress desperate cries and sighs.

Wear the mask of disguise,

let the world think otherwise.”

“No!” Catherine yelled as she jolted upright in bed, slamming her head against the tilted bedpost. She was drenched in cold sweat. Clutching her blanket, she tried in vain to shake away the disturbing image. The glassy, vacant eyes of the boy from her dream flashed before her mind’s eyes.

“It’s just a dream,” she whispered as her heartbeat slowed to match he rhythm of Calla’s steady breathing. “Stop being a cowardly cow,” she muttered to herself.

Peering around the room, Catherine’s head throbbed as events of the night came flooding back. She flinched involuntarily as a sharp pain shot up her left shoulder. She breathed a sigh of relief when her eye caught the dresser Calla had pushed against the door to prevent drunken men from forcing the flimsy door open.

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