Chapter 2

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My heart skips a beat when I see Boy. It has been a while since I last saw him. It must have been on the premier of his last movie. Boy is an actor, and a great one as well. He is also one of the prettiest people alive. Not pretty in the way normal people can be pretty. If you look at all his features there is nothing that really looks amazing, but all together he is irresistible. And he doesn't even really know it. Usually, actors who have good looks are really arrogant and love themselves even more than their fans do. But not Boy. Boy doesn't get why people like him, or why he is famous. Which makes him even more irresistible than he already is.

Boy looks up and catches my eye. I blush and look away. I have had a thing for Boy for a while now. I think he might fancy me as well, but it would not be a good idea to be together. I already have a lot of problems living my life as it is right now with all the paparazzi. If we would go on a date, the world would not shut up about it. The paparazzi would be outside of my door 24/7 to get a picture of us. Or even worse, they would do whatever it takes to get a picture of one of us with someone else and then write about how we would be cheating on the other. It happened to Katy, who is on the same show as I am. She and her boyfriend Tom broke up because it was just too much for them. All the rumors, all the drama... Their relation didn't have a chance to get build with all the rumors spreading around them.

I look up again, only to see he is still looking at me. He smiles. God, that smile. I get weak inside. This is not good, this smile makes him even more attractive. He has that crooked smile. And even though I know it's not a good option, I keep my eyes on him. And he keeps his eyes locked on mine. The world around me starts fading away. All I can see is him, over there, slowly moving his body to the music. The non-existing music that is, because that slowly faded away too.

My body starts moving without my orders, following his movements. He smiles even more and I feel how my mouth starts to form a smile as well. I spin around for a second, and when I am back at where I started, our eyes lock again. He laughs. I laugh. I feel the warmth inside my body. It feels like there are flames inside. They started somewhere in my stomach, but they are slowly spreading around my body. Especially towards my private parts. I blush when I realize that. What is happening to me? I promised myself I would get over this boy, that he was not worth the extra drama in my life. And yet here I stand, fully flamed, eyes locked into his. And I know I won't be able to stop this feeling inside me.

Then Mary pops up in my eyesight, blocking the view on Boy.
'You like him, don't you,' she says, smiling. 'You don't even have to admit it, I see it in your eyes.'
I start to blush.
'I knew it!' she screams.
I put my finger on her mouth. 'Ssssht, not everyone in this room has to know, ok?' Mary nods and I take my finger away.
'Why aren't you going to him if you fancy him?' she asks.
'You really think the paparazzi will let us have an acceptable life if they find out about us? We wouldn't even get a chance to get to know each other, they would be all over us. And this is only considering he is interested in me as well, which I doubt.'
Mary giggles. 'He is interested in you, that's for sure.'
'He is not.'
'He is.'
'Is not.'
Mary gives me the eye. 'Let me handle this, ok? I will be right back,' she says while she walks into the crowd. I want to stop her, but she already disappeared into the crowd. After a few minutes I see her popping up next to Boy. She whispers something in his ear and he looks at me. I turn completely red. This feels like a bad teenage movie. But then Boy smiles and whispers something back in Mary's ear. She smiles. O God, she is smiling. Why is she smiling? What did she say, and what was his response?

Mary disappears again into the crowd and Boy looks at me, smiling. My God, he looks so handsome when he smiles. Mary pops up next to me.
'Go to our secret way to this floor,' she whispers in my ear. I look at her.
'Are you mad?' I tell her. 'Did you also tell him to do so? What if people catch us there? What did you even tell him?'
Mary smiles. 'Trust me darling, I told him nothing new. Just that you would like to talk to him, but don't want the paparazzi to freak out. He'll count to three and follow you. Trust me, ok?'
I look her into her eyes and nod.
'Have fun,' she says while I turn around and walk through the secret door.

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