Chapter 32

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|| Josh ||

His feet squeak against the tiles and he thinks about her. The blonde hair, cold eyes, the face of his beloved boss. Only she would want floors like this to be immaculately clean.

His thoughts wander and this time he doesn't restrict them. That is his own rebellion, he thinks, letting his mind run free.

There is a bitter taste in his throat.

There is a woman at the other end of the hallway. Her figure is familiar, the way her hair falls is something he knows. It's only his mouth that expresses his shock; it falls open.

"What are you doing here?"

She doesn't reply, only blinks at him with those once-vibrant eyes. She'd once been lying on the floor, straggly hair drawing waves on the floorboards as he and Amelia tried to warm up a bottle of frozen water.

He is ushered past her until he reaches the sight that causes him to blanch.

Maisie is sitting at the other end of the hallway.

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