You asked for more
So let's go for a second chapter!
PAT PAT MINOUCHE's adventures :
The owner: We almost didn't make it!
Pat pat: That's cause of you and your cat food, but that was fun!
The owner: Hu, I'm outta here to buy some 'Good' cat food
Rock: Imma kill the cat! And trash all of you!
!!! WWA !!!
--Pat Pat VS Rock !
Pat pat minouche uses the pat's claws
Rock throws three of his weapons
Pat Pat minouche uses Deadly Meow
---Rock died with one of his weapon in hand---
Pat Pat: Ho Ho my owner won't be long
*Rock throws his last weapon on pat*
Pat Pat: Ouch!! You'll see, I'll tell everything to my owner.
Rock: Well go on!
The owner: Ahhh, What the fuck you destroyed half the house
Pat Pat: It wasn't me he tried to kill me
The owner: Hu?? Hu why is he alive, Nevermind he gonna bite the dust!!
!!! WWA !!!
The owner VS Rock
The owner is preparing to cast a spell!
Rock throws his three weapons
The owner throws a very powerful black whole at the same time that sucks Rock and his weapons!
The owner: Now a good thing done
Pat Pat: Hu it's been a while since we've seen the neighbor
*Suddenly, a laser comes out of the ground and touches pat pat*
Pat Pat: AHHHH I'm getting so small
The owner: NO stay here!!!!
Pat Pat: Ahhh why am I shrinking!!!!!
The owner: Ahhhh they're touching me too!!
*Into the small ones world *
Pat pat: Now that we're very small we need tp find the machine to grow back and we'll trash the neighbor cause I'm sure it's him
The owner: Well then... We're on for a long run
*After a long walk*
Pat Pat: Ho the machine's here so let's go quick...
The neighbor: Don't touch the ray!!
The owner: What he doing with a block on the head
Pat Pat: Probably a control device!
The owner: Well we gonna take it off then!
The neighbor: I won't let you!
!!! WWA !!!
The neighbor throws a blow that sends Pat Pat flying in the air!
The owner is preparing to cats a spell!
Le neighbor makes a blow combo on pat pat
The owner throws a METEOR on the neighbor
The owner: Let's get back home!
LA FIN (of this chapter)
Pat Pat Minouche
ParanormalA story that can destroy the world ! Traduction thanks you @lily_killjoy