The Spell

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Author's Note: I have no idea if this has been written yet. I got this idea from reading a time travel story that I recently bought from Barnes and Noble, and I thought it would be interesting. I'm sorry if this idea has been done yet!

"Are you sure this is safe?" A worried and brooding Stefan asked from one side of the room, his teeth catching his lower lip between them as he watched the witch do her work. Well.. attempt to do her work.

Bonnie sighed tiredly, slamming her hands down on the mahogany table out of frustration, head snapping towards Stefan for the millionth time in the last ten minutes. "This is as safe as it could get, Stefan. We're playing with magic here, and no magic is guaranteed to be safe. Now can you please just watch and observe? You know that if I can figure out how to do locate a vampire without touching them, we can find Klaus without Katherine or Isobel's help. I'm pretty sure getting their help is more dangerous than any kind of magic."

Stefan sighed and gave a simple nod, stepping back into his watching position. A scoff sounded from the other side of the room as Damon strolled in to get a drink, his cocky smirk visible even in the shadows that were covering his face. "Are you two still at it? I gave up hours ago. It's four in the freaking morning. Go home, witch," he snarled, pouring himself a cup of scotch and downing it in one sip.

A sigh sounded from the couch, and Elena popped her head up so she was visible to Damon. "Actually, three," she said, brushing her hair out of her face before falling back down into a horizontal position.

Damon smiled mischievously at the brunette, putting his empty glass on the table before walking over slowly to where she was laying. He lifted her legs so he could sit, his hands resting comfortably on her shin. "Elena's tired, and Bon-Bon is practically asleep on her feet. Let them go home, brother," the dark haired vampire said, cocking an eyebrow at Stefan, looking over at Elena and giving her a quick wink.

"Since when do you care?" Bonnie quipped almost immediately.

The vampire scoffed and tilted his chin down, his piercing blue eyes gazing up at the tanned girl. "I don't. I just want you to leave."

Bonnie frowned and crossed her arms, her scowl directed towards the cocky bastard sitting on the couch. "Fine. Good luck finding another witch to help you, since you obviously don't want my help." Damon smiled a false, sarcastic smile and lifted his hand to offer a cocky wave.

Stefan was quick to dive in between the two, resting a reassuring hand on Bonnie's shoulder. "Bonnie, we do need your help. We don't know any other witches around here that could do what you're doing for us. Damon," he snapped, shooting a hard scowl at his brother, "just enjoys being rude and hostile. Ignore him." He told the witch reassuringly, eyeing Damon's hands with a deeper scowl, which were still placed on his ex's shins.

"Seriously, Damon, just shut up," Elena added from her position on the couch. She readjusted her position and tucked her hands into her sweatshirt, blinking her brown eyes up at Bonnie, a reassuring smile on her pursed lips.

"Careful, Elena, you're laying on me," Damon teased in a low voice. That earned an eye roll from the girl, and he pretended to be hurt by her hand hitting her shoulder playfully. He leaned forward so he was closer to her, icy eyes dancing. "I don't think she likes me very much," he whispered, nodding his head towards the witch in the corner.

Elena leaned forward with a playful smile on her face, going close to his ear as if she was going to tell him a secret. "I know," she whispered, laying back down with a satisfied noise. Damon scoffed and rolled his eyes, kicking his legs up on the table and holding his hand out, moving it a bit to gesture towards Bonnie.

"Well? Go to work, witch," he offered, a playful look upon his stony, sarcastic features.

"Do you have any candles? I can conduct energy from the light."

Stefan nodded and jogged to the other room. A few minutes later, he came back in with about fifteen candles in his arms, struggling to keep them all together. Elena jumped up and rushed to his side, taking a few out of his arms so he could have an easier time. He smiled at her in gratitude, eyes lingering on her face for a little longer than necessary. She smiled back and turned away, bringing the candles to Bonnie. Bonnie took the candles and placed them all around the room, mumbling a few words and throwing her arms out, all the candles lighting up simultaneously.

Damon looked around dumbfounded, shaking his head and clapping his hands slowly and sarcastically, leaning back against the cushions. "Bravo. Now actually do something besides light a few candles. Something useful, preferably."

With an eye roll from everyone in the room, Bonnie closed her eyes, sitting down on a chair that they provided for her. She crossed her legs and clenched her fists, her eyes staying closed as she started to say random things quietly to herself. Elena sat down next to Damon, Stefan sitting on the other side of Elena, eyebrows furrowing together in concern at the concentrated witch. What she was saying started to get louder, the candles flickering and making noises as an imaginary wind hit the flame. Soon she was yelling, and the room was going black and then it lit again. A few minutes later, a bright, blinding light consumed the whole room, lasting a few seconds before fading back into darkness, the room dimly lit by the lamp. Bonnie opened her eyes and blinked, wiping her eyes and looking around. "Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing," she said in defeat, resting her head down on the table.

Damon was about to make a snarky comment questioning whether she was actually a witch or not, when Stefan jumped up, eyes full of panic. "Where's Elena?" Bonnie lifted her head and her brown eyes widened, Damon jumping to his feet too. Stefan was already out of the room, searching the rest of the house. After figuring out that she wasn't in the sitting room, Damon stomped over to Bonnie, pinning her against the wall, hand grasped over her throat.

"What the hell did you do, witch? Where the hell is Elena?" He growled and snarled, fingernails digging into her neck slightly. Bonnie tried to choke out that she had no idea where Elena went, but his hold was too tight on her throat to say anything, let alone breathe.

Stefan ran out, his breath short, and he leaned up against the door frame. Damon let go of the darker brunette's throat, turning around to look at his brother. As the sorceress caught her breath, the nicer brother looked between the tow of them, shaking his head.

"Elena's gone."

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