P A R T (II)

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           ~No one.

When you become 18, nobody tells you that it's now going to be your job to parent yourself, and by parent yourself..I mean it's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't want to do, so you can be everything that you're supposted to be. The thing is, you're so busy waiting to feel like it.

The concept of parenting yourself is really important to you to wrap your brain around, because the fact that we make decisions, it's not based on what we know we need to do, not based on our goal but based on how we feel right now, It's your feelings that make the decisons for you.

Here is a thing, you're an adult, you have to parent yourself because you will never ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want..You are always going to need to push yourself. So what is the point to all of this?

The point is no one is coming, no one, no one is gonna help you or is coming to tell you to get off the door to exercise. It's up to you because we are not wired that way and you, you are born that way.

Things I wish I knew before turning 18.Where stories live. Discover now