Why do you Cry

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Why do you cry,

Because I died.

Your sorry, must I ask why.

I'm sorry that about my life I lied.

I know you miss me.

But I'm still here.

Just wanted you to be free.

I thought you would last longer than a year.

Shouldn't have had a tear.

Now you hang off the ground.

I gues now its clear.

You no longer make sound.

I loved your laugh.

It was bliss.

But now I'm split in half.

Why did you do this?

You were so alive.

I was empty.

Why must the world be deprived,

Of your words, there were plenty.

Why were you so foolish?

Your wrists had scars.

You destroyed my wish.

I guess lives are short like cigars.

People loved you.

People called you names.

I grew wings and flew.

So Bodil, go back to your video games!


I hope you liked this poem! I was inspired by some girl who was getting arrested and she told her boyfriend to run and he stayed there with her. I took the last line from a fanfiction my friend TheLondonNormal wrote. Also I'm putting up the next chapter in Abacinated up soon. I'm also starting a book about a girl who was stuck in minecraft, and you'll learn more when I publish it. Bye!

- Jade the productive

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