Chapter 4

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A/N thank you so much for being so patient. My life has been full of ups and downs lately and i appreciate your enthusiam to read. Thank you again xx

Chapter 4:

[Bianca’s POV]

When I woke up, I nudged something with my elbow. At first, I thought nothing of it, and then my brain actually started functioning. “WHAT THE?” I sat up and saw Zac, dangling off the edge of my bed. The memory of last night came flooding back and I shivered. I didn’t want to wake him, so I started to slowly manoeuvre my way out from under the sheets. Then I heard the door open. “Morning Bia…” I had one leg on the ground and my bum stuck up in the air, trying not to wake Zac up. I awkwardly twisted around and saw Brandon staring at me, his eyes full of shock. “No, no its not what it looks like!” Then I heard the low moan from Zac as he pushed himself up and turned around. “Oh, hey Brandon.” Brandon was still staring blankly at me. “Brandon, it’s defiantly not what it looks like.” Zac had a small hint of panic in his voice. “What ever man, just; don’t get her pregnant. Mum would shoot me…” I almost chocked and Zac sat there stunned. Brandon shut the door and I was left standing beside the bed looking at the posters staring back at me. “I.. I’m sorry… I’ll go…” Zac threw the doona off and grabbed his jacket. “Wait… Zac…” He turned and looked at me. “Thank you… For being here with me…” He smiled, “Anytime…” He winked and walked out.

I was left standing in my pyjamas, mouth wide open. I just wanted to run into his arms and kiss him like there was no tomorrow. But he didn’t see me that way; I was just his ‘little sister.’ The thought almost brought me to tears. I quickly forgot about it all and chucked on my jeans and singlet. When I slowly made my way out to the kitchen, Zac was leaning into the fridge, and Brandon was sitting on the couch with Emily… Enough said… I looked at Zac and he shrugged. “Say, what you got planned for today?” He looked at me raising his eyebrow and I sat on the bench in front of him. “Wanna go see the new Batman movie? Brandon won’t take me, and none of my girlfriends wanna go.” I sat forward and waited for him to respond. He smiled, and I knew what he was going to say. “Sure, I’d love to.” I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “Sweet! Let me go grab my bag!” I heard him laugh as I jumped off the bench and ran to my room.

[Zac’s POV]

I woke to the sound of a male voice. I used all my strength to push myself up and saw Bianca, staring wide eyed and I turned right around. That’s when I saw Brandon looking at me, his face screwed up with confusion. “Oh, hey Brandon.” He looked from Bianca to me again. I sat up straighter. “Brandon, it’s defiantly not what it looks like.” I was starting to panic. I was in his little sister’s bed for crying out loud! Luckily I had decided to keep my shirt on, otherwise; who knows what would have went down… “What ever man, just; don’t get her pregnant. Mum would shoot me…” He shrugged and left the room. What the hell had I just heard? Don’t get her pregnant… No way he could have just said that. I glanced at Bianca and could tell she felt awkward. I decided to leave, I hated seeing her feeling vulnerable.” I.. I’m sorry… I’ll go…” I threw the doona off me and quickly clambered out of bed, grabbing my jacket off the ground. “Wait… Zac…” She said, her voice softer than usual. I swiftly turned around. “Thank you… For being here with me…” I couldn’t help but smile. I had made her feel comfortable. If I couldn’t be anything more than a ‘brother’ to her, at least I knew I was still a part of her life, making her feel wanted. “Anytime…” I winked at her, without realizing it, and smiled; walking out to the main room. As I walked down the hallway, I squirmed into my jumper. That’s when I smelt her perfume. I have no idea how it had gotten on there, but it was faint and made my head spin. As I entered the living room I saw Emily, kneeling over Brandon. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. It seemed everyone could have the one they wanted, but me. I leant into the fridge looking for something to eat when; “Say what you got planned for today?” I almost hit my head on the top of the fridge as I leant back and raised my eyebrows at her. She was positioned on the bench top, her legs dangling and her hair fell loosely around her glowing face. “Wanna go see the new Batman movie? Brandon won’t take me, and none of my girlfriends wanna go.” I was taken back by her offer, but it meant I would get to spend one on one time with her; in the cinema; alone… I smiled, and her eyes lit up. “Sure, I’d love to.” Her smile spread across her face and she almost jumped into my arms. “Sweet! Let me go grab my bag!” She said quickly has she jumped down and ran down the hallway. I laughed and looked in the microwave reflection, and fixed my hair. Before I knew it, she was running back clutching her bag. “Ok let’s go!” she grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the door. “BYE LOVE BIRDS, WE’LL BE BACK LATER!” And before Brandon got the chance to answer we were out at my car…

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