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"Please Wait here. I'm going to get someone who can actually help you. Your daughter has a bit more time before she turns..."

Turns? What was he talking about?

I could tell my family was worried for me and so was I. I was scared, terrified even. I mean there practically talking nonsense to me.

I could hear my mother and father mumble to each other with worry. I tried not to freak out but everything smelled too strong. It was almost as if I could taste my parents growing anger and frustration.

It was too much.

The world was practically spinning around me as my body felt like it was laying on hot coals.

"Mom." I say weakly as she gently grabbed my hand.

"It hurts. And it's to hot, I fell like... like I'm on fire."

I watch dad search through the cupboards before pulling out a rag while quickly wetting it with cold water as he put it on my forehead making me a bit more relaxed then I was before.

All of a sudden the doctor came back with a well built man with stunning hazel eyes as he eyed me intently.

Yuu's father- "Who are you?"

"My name is James Haruka. I am the principal of West View Academy. Judging by her appearance and smell I see no need to look at her wounds. Could both of you please step outside with me a moment."

I didn't want them to go.

I was scared.

But as there voices drowned out I knew they where only just a few rooms away from my own.


I could hear everything. From the sound of a squeaky wheelchair to footsteps on the floor and even the annoying beeping noises from the machines that echoed from every room.

If I didn't feel like crap I would find this to be cool but right now it felt annoying to hear and smell everything.

I tried visualizing mom and dads voice like Superman did in his new movie and after a few deep calming breaths I was able to pick up there voices.

".... a danger to everyone in this hospital, including you."

Yuu's father- "Is there any cure?"

"There is not. I'm sorry but your daughter has to come with me, th teachers at my Academy will be able to teach her how to control her new form and..."

Yuu's mom- "you can't take her! She's my daughter."

"I know how upset you must be but there's no doubt in my mind that knows that one of my students attacked your daughter. If I'm guessing right it was probably not intentional. Tell me was it a full moon when you guys went camping?"

Yuu's father- "I believe so. We where camping up by the mountains."

"You have my word that I will take care of your daughter. But you will not be able to see her until she learns to control her..."

All of a sudden pain radiated through my hands making me whimper in pain as I nervously glance down only to see my nails growing longer and longer electing panic to go through me.

What the hell is this?!

I gripped the mattress in pain. This had to have been the medicine messing with my head right?

But if I remember correctly they didn't actually give me any medicine...

"I know this maybe a shock to you but she's dangerous..."

Dangerous? No... I can't be.
Just moments ago I was in bed trying to figure out how to tell my best friend in middle school that I didn't want to date him and now...

I growled deeply as the pain grew more and more as I squirmed on the bed restlessly. I could feel my growing nails shed the mattress of the bed as my knees popped sending an excruciating pain throughout my body making me let out a loud scream.

In mere seconds the man and doctor from before where by my side quickly as my mother and father stood in front of the door in pure fright and disbelief.

"Fuck! We need to tranq her now!"

Fear consumed me as I watch the doctor pull out a large syringe making me curl up into myself out of fear.

I really hated needles.

To me all this together was a complete nightmare.

I've never felt pain like this before not ever.

I grimaced as the doctor stabbed my arm with the syringe making tears slowly escape my eyes as my mother rushed towards me before gently grasping my hand as she whipped the sweat from my forehead.

I couldn't help but glance at dads worried face as he spoke reluctantly.

Yuu's father- "I never knew things like you existed... please help my daughter, I don't want her to be in any pain."


What did he mean by that?

It wasn't long until the world went completely black making me feel completely upset by what my father had said.

After all I wasn't a thing, I was his daughter.

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