Chapter 1~~outbreak

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There was so much going on, the military was here, people were running, people were killing themselves, people were coming back after dying, people were eating other people. It was scary for the first few days.

I'm Y/N L/N, and this is how my story during the apocalypse starts. I was one of the people who ran.

I worked at the CDC. My co-worker, he started this. He's dead now. The first one to go, the first one I had to kill.

I'm being escorted to Atlanta by the military, but I don't know why, wouldn't the CDC building be safe enough?

"Y/N" I heard someone say before repeating "Y/N"

"Huh?" I looked up, dazed, from my writing.

"We are entering Atlanta" the red head started "you will be checked for bites, scratches, and a fever. Then you can enter the quarantine zone"

"A'ight" I nodded before I looked out the window.

As I looked out the window, I noticed some lights coming from the city. Bombs falling on hordes of people-Er the undead.

"W'yre they doin that?" I asked

"The undead are being taken care of before the make this a quarantine"

"I ain't going" I said as I started trying to open the door

"Not happening. We were instructed to get you here then get you wherever our superiors  want you to go"

I looked at home before grabbing the gun from my belt, putting it to my head "if I'm gonna die in there, what'd be the difference if I shot myself 'ight here, 'ight now? Let me out or I do it"

"Fine" he said before getting out and letting me out and handing me a duffle bag "take some guns and weapons though"

I nodded as I started grabbing weapons. A Kitana, knives, guns, ammunition. I filled the duffle bag full, granted it was half full with my personal items. I looked at the red head again "I hope we cross paths when you're alive at a later time. If not alive, I'll be sure to put you down"

He nodded as I ran along the edge of the highway. People in the front staring at me with a look of 'what is she doing'

I heard yelling about a military vehicle, the one I was in, cheating the lines. You name it, I probably heard or saw it.

That's when I came up to this RV. The man was older and he rolled down his window to say "what're you running from?"

"The city and military. The undead are everywhere in there"

"Where ya headin then?"


"Come with us" he said as he walked over he went and opened the door "the name's dale, what about yours?"

"Doc- I mean Y/N" as I got into the RV

"Nice to meet you" He smiled as he got back in the driver's seat "sit anywhere and we will get to the quarry. You can then stay in here or you can barrow that tent"

I nodded with a smile as he started driving, with some cars following him and him following some cars.

The quarry wasn't as far as I thought. We got there and dale handed me the tent saying "I'm gonna go introduce myself to the others here. You should do the same after seating up that tent"

I nodded before grabbing the tent and my duffle bag, then walking off. I walked to the furthest corner of the camp, that wasn't taken. As I set up my tent a man walked up to me

"'ey! We was gonna set up camp 'ere"

"I din't see anything here. I just started seating up here. First come, first serve." I said as I gripped my duffle bag tighter.

"Then ye should pay up for taking me and my brother's spot for our tent" the man licked his lip

"Why don't I not and you just leave?" I said before opening my tent and going through the door and sitting my duffle bag in the corner

"Yer gonna pay for that bitch" the man said before stepping into my tent and grabbing me by the throat. I started to grab and claw at his hands

"Let... go" I breathed out, struggling

"Merle, get yer ass out 'ere" I heard a rough voice day from outside the tent

"I'm busy little brother"

"I ain't setting up camp alone"

"You'll be fine. Quit being a bitch and go do it. I'm doing something" the man looked at me before whispering "tell my your name. Now"

I shook my head and he squeezed harder so I squeaked out "Y/N"

"Ain't that right Y/N? Tell my baby brother we're busy" The man put me down for a second, still holding my throat, but released enough to let me speak, but before I said anything, he whispered "say something stupid and I'll kill ya"

I nodded before saying, load enough for the man outside the tent to hear, "help!"

All I felt was the man's hand tighten before I fell to the ground and another man was between me and the scary man.

"Ye ok?" I heard that rough voice say

"Wow baby brother. Sticking up for this bitch who took where we were gonna set up camp. I was only joking with her"

"Ya. Sure" the man looked at the other "don' go killin anyone Merle, or hurtin anyone. We ain't in the place to be kicked out of the camp"

"Daryl, that is pussy ass shit. Sugartits here and I were only having some fun" Merle, the scary man, stormed off

"Thank you" I said

Daryl, the other man, he just nodded and left. I closed the tent door and I grabbed my belt, a tank top, and a pair of shorts. I'd been wearing the same clothes for three days, so I pulled the ripped up sweatpants off. I pulled on the shorts, and then I pulled off my shirt. I looked at what I could see of my torso, bruises and scars. My legs had some scars and many bruises, same with my arms, but my torso was the worst. I pulled a normal shirt on and changed into jeans instead of shorts. I pulled my belt through the loops and i put my gun and knives on the belt before walking out and meeting people.

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