Chapter 10~~ Road Pt. 2

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We were walking towards the group, and Daryl had put all of what he had into his truck, when...

"Get under t'e truck" I heard Daryl say as he got me under then himself right after. A few minutes went past

That's when I saw it. Feet shuffling by. Walker feet. I kept my hand over my mouth, luckily I wasn't bleeding anymore.

I few moments went by, and the feet had gone, when I heard some screaming. Thinking the person was in trouble Daryl and I moved quickly, or I moved as quick as I could. That's when we saw Rick run into the forest and Lori holding Carl and Carol.

"W'at 'appended?" Daryl and I asked

"Sophia was chased by monsters" Carl said.

"But rick went after them and her" Lori added

I gave carol a hug before backing off, not really knowing how to comfort anyone well. Daryl and I walked over to the truck and he got ready to leave.

"Yer leavin' again?" I asked

"Jus' gettin' ready if Rick needs help findin' 'er"  he looked at me "I'm not leavin' tell mornin' at earliest"

I smiled and helped him get stuff together "I can help y'all"

"Ye t'ink yer ready?"

I nodded "all t'at is really wrong is the small limp. 'Ll only watc' t'e road or stay by ye"

He smirked before planting a small kiss on my temple.

It was sundown before we knew it, and we heard leaves and branches rustling.

Rick emerged with a hopeful look but that dropped when he saw carol, who then fell to her knees in tears.

After helping carol and the group for supper and then to bed, we all knew it would be best to wait tell morning to look for Sophia. Everyone split up to their respective vehicles.

As Daryl and I walked towards his truck, I stopped to talk to dale.

"T'ank ye" I smiled "yer like the nice father I never had"

He smiled and hugged me "it's my job to be the nice old man"

I hugged him back. Daryl knew I saw dale as a father figure. My father had been gone for so long. When dale let me go Daryl and I went to the truck. We climbed in, laid the seats down, and put the pillows we had for the middle space down"

Daryl held the bag he came back with and opened it.

"So ye are an amazin' woman" Daryl started while digging through the bag. I noticed him grab something "an Ye know I love ye so much"

"Of course I do Dar" I looked him in the eye "w'at's t'is 'bout? Normally ye ain't so lovey"

He was fidgeting something before grabbing my hand "an I was wonderin' w'at ye would say to bein' more t'an jus' my girlfrien'" 

He sat a small box in my hand.  "Dar.."

"If ye wanted to, would ye want to marry me someday?"

I was truly happy. It was an extreme feeling of joy. Daryl placed his hand right over mine and he opened the box with me. It was a beautiful ring that looked really clean.  I wiped a tear of joy running down my face and began nodding "Oh Daryl of course I would!"

He smiled as He slid the ring onto my finger. I threw myself over to him, pinning him down. I kissed him as  before I knew it he had me on my back under him. We parted for a second as I looked him in the eyes.

"Yer so beautiful" Daryl said putting one hand on the right side of my face while the other held him over me

I sat my left hand over his on my face. "I wis' we could take a picture". 

Daryl smiled and moved so I could sit up "t'is w'ole bag 'as stuff fer ye in it"

He handed me the bag and I opened it. I pulled out a dress he found me. It was plain white but convenient enough where I could wear it whenever I wanted. He had a couple pair of pants and then I pulled out a vest. I opened it up. It looked just like his. And the final item was a Polaroid camera and film. I smiled before leaning into him, holding the the camera in my right hand, and holding my left up to show the ring.

"Smile Darry" I said with a smile.


The film ejected and I let it develop.

"Yer adorable" Daryl kissed my temple.

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder "'m jus' so 'appy"

We laid down and I cuddled into him.

"'M sorry I can't give ye a big beautiful weddin'" Daryl said

"I don' need t'at Dar. 'M jus' 'appy te be wit' ye" I kissed his shoulder "I didn' even need a ring"

He kissed my forehead and ran his hand through my hair. While he is still extremely awkward and nervous towards me, he has definitely gotten more comfortable aswell. I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke in a field.

"Daryl!" I cried out. That's when I saw a familiar house. I ran to it, hoping Daryl or someone from the group was there. No one. There were freshly dug graves but I turned and knocked on the door of the house. Hearing nothing inside and seeing nothing come to me, I went in.

I felt his hands around my throat as I was thrown to the wall. I felt him penetrate me. It was happening again. I recognized the house because it was where I was before. When the worst always happened. But this wasn't the same person. No. This was someone I knew from the group.

"Daryl w'y're ye doin' t'is!" I hit at him "if ye wanted te do somethin' ye could 'ave asked! Ye didn' need te do this!" 

Slowly the face changed. It was all the men who ever hurt me. John. The man from the military caravan. Merle. Shane.

I woke with a start. I was sweating and crying. Then I noticed Daryl wasn't with me. I saw a note in his handwriting. It said:

'Went to look for Sophia. Will be back by dark. I love you. -Daryl'

I smiled and wiped off some of the sweat. I got up and gathered some things for a run.

I walked up to dale and said "I'm goin' fer a run. Gonna try an' find some t'ings we may need"

He nodded "be safe"

"Always am. If Daryl gets back before me, tell 'im I'll be back soon. I'll try to be back by dark"

He nodded as I went and climbed into the truck.

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