This story revolves around a boy named Jak Katura. Jaks master dies while they are being attacked by an mysterious group of highly advanced ninja. Jaks master tries to by some time for Jak to escape from these ninja and to be continued....
The ninja world has changed since Naruto became and died as the 6th Hokage and life was nothing like before. Now Naruto is just a Hero in the legends and the tailed beast are a myth. The Six Major Villages have now expanded to the Seven Major Villages. The Seventh Village is known as the Village Shrouded in Darkness.....
(if this beginning sucks go ahead and tell me and ill try to fix it)
Naruto: A New Ninja World (Not FInished)
AdventureThe ninja world has changed since Naruto died as hokage, Tailed beast are a myth now a days. A new village has also joined the fray, the Village Shrouded in Darkness. What is the new village, and how has the ninja world changed. Find out by reading...