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Taehyung sat quietly on his bed as he awaited for his breakfast. His red dimmed room was nearly suffocating him as he saw his fathers eyes in his mind. His pink tinted lips were a second away from bleeding as he bit them hard to prevent his tears from falling.

"A soon to be king doesnt cry Taehyung," he told himself, his mind going back to his father as he remembered him saying that. "A soon to be king cannot let his emotions overtake him, it shows weakness, the village needs a strong leader."

A knock suddenly drifted him away from his thoughts. "Come in," he replied, wiping away the small tear that had escaped.

"Hello prince, I have your breakfast. The priest would like to see you after you have eaten," the maid said as she walked in carefully and placed the tray on the small table near the door.

"Tell him I shall be there. Thank you, you are excused," Taehyung said, nodding towards the maid that bowed. She walked out and closed the door behind her, not noticing the dark shadow that was hidden behind the window curtains.

Taehyung stood up as he heard another knock at the door. "Yes?" he replied, his back turned towards the door.

"Nice to see you," the person said with their arm around the princes neck.

"And who might you be?" Taehyung asked, he was calm and already had the knife from the plate under his sleeve.

"I am from Crystal, my king sent me to send a message. In three days time you must be ready to encounter a massacre if you even dare to take the throne, understood? My beloved King would hate to see a fragile prince die at the hand of his knights dressed in red."

"Anything else?" Taehyung asked as he gripped the knife handle in his hand.

"Why yes, there is. My king also asked of you to not appoint a fellow who goes by Jeon Jungkook as General, or he will be very upset. You dont want this of course. Hand him over to us and your people will be safe under our protection from now on, understood?"

"What does this knight have to do with your king?"

"No questions blondie, all shall be revealed in three days time when we have him under our feet, understood?"

"Loud and clear, step out or I will not hesitate to tear you to shreds."

"Cocky much?"

"Three, two, one..."


Taehyungs knife was suddenly caught between the unknown mans neck and his cloak that covered no part of the mans face.

"Pretty pathetic for a messanger to not cover his own face. You dare threaten me inside my own castle, how daring. However, you forgot one important fact. And that sir, is that I am not some fragile prince, I have the guts of a thousand armed knights that runs through my veins. I dare your king to even step foot in my territory. I am Kim Taehyung, the soon to be king who is not afraid of the puny Crystal king who cant forget the past."

Without another word, Taehyung stepped on the knife in the mans neck and killed the man right in front of the door.

"My breakfast is ruined now, huh?"

"Prince Taeh- my god! What happened?!"

"Call the guards and tell them to take care of this. Oh, and bring me another knife please."

The maid nodded in fear and quickly ran out before the prince asked her to do anything else.

"Guards! Youre needed in the princes chambers someone broke in!" The maid yelled, catching the attention of the brunette who sat at the kitchen talking with the chef.

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now