
3.3K 92 13

"Flames"- Tedy

"If I Believe You"- The 1975

"Dark Side" - Tedy

"We Will Be Loved" - Tedy

"5AM" - Amber Run

"We've Already Won" -Tedy

"Moondust" - James Young

"Warning" - Tedy

As you can tell,,, basically all of Tedy's songs haha, I was so into his music when I was writing For The King, still am!! But yepp! I also had ambient music playing in the background, which would often put me to sleep haha.

Thank you to all who have read this! And sorry this is really late, but things have been switching up around me. Hopefully I can get my next book up soon! Sneak peak,,, its based in the forest and one of our sweet babies is a mythical creature!!

Also, 900+ reads?!?!?! W H A T !!! Never would have thought! Thank you all for reading and taking the time to make sense of my words haha!


For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now