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"In three days time you must be ready to encounter a massacre if you even dare to take the throne, understood?"

"No one is in any entrance your majesty. Every quadrant is secured with the best warriors. May I ask a question?" Jungkook asked as he noticed the King bite his lip.

Taehyung looked up and nodded as he waited for Jungkook to ask.

"Why are we securing the borders? Did Crystal threaten you?"

"No one threatened me General Jeon," Taehyung replied, making Jungkook nod silently. "I think it would be better if I go to the border facing Crystal, I could get a better sight-"

"You will not leave this castle unless I command you to, understood?"

Jungkook raised his brow as he heard the King. "But your majesty-"

"You will not leave this castle unless I command you to, understood?" The king repeated, his voice rising with irritation.

"Your majesty, I shall not leave your humbled castle unless thy mouth speaks to me," Jungkook said as he turned around and walked off, leaving the King with irritated eyes.

"Hyuin, please prepare my horse for me, I will be leaving in a moment towards the forest, if the king asks for me tell him I am training the new ones."

Hyuin quickly nodded and walked off to the stables. Jungkook walked off towards his room and prepared a bag with his leather notebook and a quill with ink.

Once he gathered his things he made his way to the stables, breathing in the fresh morning air. But his calm mood was ruined as he noticed a blonde man petting his horse.

"Bella doesn't like it when people pet her, she might kick you if you dont step back."

Taehyung turned around to see the knight with his sword and a bag, he slowly lifted his hand and walked towards the knight.

"What do you have in the bag?"

"You should know better than to walk up to a horse and pet it, next time she wont be as forgiving."

"What is in that bag General? Answer me at once."

"Bella is really sensitive when it comes to others, please dont touch my horse again."

"Jeon Jungkook where in the hell do you think you are going?"

"I will be having some bonding time with nature if you must know, now excuse me, I am late. The wind is calling for me," Jungkook said as he walked past the King and headed towards his horse. But a firm hand stopped him.

"I told you to not leave for your own good. We cant lose another General can we? I need you here with me."

"You? Need me? Thats a first considering the priest was begging you to even give me the title. Tell what has changed your mind, oh mighty majesty. I am curious as to why you must interrupt my break."

Taehyung pulled the general towards him until Jungkook stood in front of him.

"Go inside of the castle right now."

"No. I'm sorry your majesty, but I have things to do, and since you wont allow me to go secure the borders, I will now take my little break in the forest."

Without another word the general took his arm back and climbed onto his horse, quickly setting off and ignoring the kings calls.

"Prepare my horse this instant!"

"Yes your majesty!"

In a few seconds Taehyung was chasing the black horse that carried the general away. The general was clueless as to who was following, ignoring every sound except for his heart beat.

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now