Quote 365

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Dean: This is a happy memory for you?

Sam: I don't know. I mean, I was on my own. I finally got away from dad.

Dean: Yeah, he wasn't the only one you got away from.

Sam: Dean, I'm sorry. I-I just...

Dean: Oh, I know- y-you didn't think of it like that.

Sam: Dean-

Dean: Come on! You're Heaven is somebody else's thanksgiving, okay? It's bailing on your family. What do you want me to say?

Sam: Look, man... I never got the crusts cut off my PB&J. I... I-I just don't look at family the way you do.

Dean: Yeah, but I'm your family.

Sam: I kno-

Dean: We're supposed to be a team. It's supposed to be you and me against the world, right?

Sam: Dean... it is.

Dean: Is it?

Supernatural Quotes (Book Two) *EDITING*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt