First Day At the DWMA

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The Academy was perfect, beyond perfect in your eyes. "Oh Klein I can't wait! Let's get going." You said as grabbed Kleins hand racing into the academy. You guys were met by a voice from behind you that said, "Hello, we have been awaiting your arrival. I'm Death The Kid but you can call me Kid for short. Come with me, Lord Death has been waiting for you." Kid lead you guys to Lord death. The walk was silent.

You walked into a room that seemed to go on forever. "HEY WHATS UP!?" You heard Lord Death say. You and Klein just silently looked at eatch other and then back at Lord Death. "I just wanted to make sure you guys made it here safe. Bye now." Lord Death said as he motioned you out of the room.

As you Klein walked through the long halls you turned your head to see if Kid was anywhere. "You would think he would escort us to our class." Klein said as he looked at the class door. You were going to say something back to Klein but the door opened to the class room. The man was a tall man with Gray hair, glasses, stitches around his left eye, and a big screw in his head. You couldn't help but be a little frightened by him because he looks a little intimidating to you.

As soon as you walked in the class you looked around amazed. All the seats looked equally spread apart. "Class these are our new students. Remind us of your names please." Professor Stein said. "I- I'm Klein." Klein said to the class nervously. You were staring at a boy with Red eyes and white hair so you didn't pay attention to what Professor Stein said. "Hello! What is your name?" Embarrassed you looked at Professor Stein, blushed and said, "Oh yeah hey I'm (Your name)" "Go sit down you two. Anywhere you would like." Professor Stein said as he pointed to the class.

You wanted to sit next to that hot Albion guy. You were walking forwards the seats by him until you realized he was sitting by a Girl with Pig Tails that looked kind of like a dirty blonde color. Then you looked on the other side and you saw a boy with spikey blue green hair with a star tatoo on his arm.

You found a place to sit that was perfect to see the cute Albino guy with his pretty red eyes. You sat behind him. You didn't exactly sit behind him though. Klein sat exactly behind him and you sat to the right of Klein.

When class started you didn't have any intentions of staring at the cute Albino guy but your eyes just couldn't resist it. You stared at him for the hole class until about the end when you were fantasizing you guys as a couple when you were staring at him until he turned and looked over his shoulder at you and smirked. You nervously looked away and started blushing. You didn't really look at him any more for the rest of class. You looked down for most of the time left with a couple quick glances at him.

After class you walked out of the class into the hallway when you were greeted by a beautiful tall girl. "Hi I'm Tsubaki! Your new here so I thought you could use some help around here. I could introduce you to some of my friends tonight if you would like. Here give me your address and I'll pick you up, we're all gathering at Maka's tonight and it would be great if you came!" Tsubaki excitedly said. You smiled and gave her your address and said, "See ya tonight!" You waved goodbye to her as you rushed home.

When you got home you hurried and made sure you looked okay. You decided to wear the same thing you wore to school so that you didn't look like you were trying to hard. You didn't know when Tsubaki would be her so you just sat on your couch and waited.

An hour went passed when you heard a knock at the door. You excitedly opened the door and saw Tsubaki. You were so excited that you couldn't help but hug Tsubaki and say thank you.

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