Souls House

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You paced around your room excited to go to Souls house. You looked at your hair and made sure it was nice and you checked to see if your clothes were dirty.. You looked fine but for some reason you were nervous.

You stayed up sitting on your couch waiting for 7:00 o'clock when you would leave but time was going by slow. You were so bored so you just sat and sat until about 6:30 until you fell asleep. You were asleep until 9:00 when all the sudden you woke up. "OMG WHAT TIME IS IT!" You yelled as you raced out the door and ran to Souls house.

You knocked on the door panting waiting for him to answer. Soul answered the door and said, "There you are. I was about to worry." He smiled and led you in the house. "Where's Maka?" You asked looking around. "Oh Maka, she's asleep." Soul said with a chuckle. "This early? It's only 9:30" you said giggling. "Well she is pretty lame. She's not cool like me and you." Soul said grabbing your hand. "Hey Maka is cool!" You said as you teasely punched his arm. "Not as cool as me." Soul said as he teased you back.

Maka opened her bedroom door and said, "(your name) your here! With Soul? Awe such a cute couple. "We're not a couple!" You said blushing as you nervously took your hand out of Souls. "I wish we were." Soul said grabbing your hand again. Maka laughed, "you guys are cute. I'm going to bed. Keep it down you two love birds, we have school in the morning."

"So Soul what are we going to do?" You asked. "Duh were going to do what cool people do." Soul said smiling at you. "Well what do cool people do?" You giggled. "Well you should know cause your cool." Soul said. "Soul we will do whatever your kind of cool does k. As long as it's fun." You said sticking your tongue at him in a playful way. "You've really opened up to me (your name) I like it." Soul said smiling.

You heard a knock at the door. "Soul aren't you gunna get that." You said smiling. "If I have to." Soul said pushing you down onto the couch so that you were laying down when he got up. "Well that was rude!" You said sitting back up laughing.

Soul opened the door and to his surprise it was Kid. "Kid what are you doing here?" Soul asked looking at Kid then back at you. "I came to say hi to (your name) I haven't seen her for a while and I heard you invite her over so I came to say hello." Kid said pushing his way into the door. You jumped up with excitement and said, "KID!" You wrapped your arms around him tightly. "I've missed you (your name)" Kid said hugging back. "I've missed you too." You said as you looked at soul and saw the jealousy in his eyes. You giggled as you broke the hug.

You looked at Soul and then Kid and then back to Soul and giggled. "Awe Soul is someone jealous?" You said laughing. "No, cool people don't get jealous." Soul said as he folded his arms. "I must get going now but it was nice to see you guys." Kid said walking out of the house before you or Soul could have said anything.

"Soul it's late and you have school tomorrow I should probably get going." You said as you yawned. "No don't leave yet! (Your name) I want more time with you." Soul said grabbing your hand. "Alright Soul 10 more minutes." You said shaking your head as you sat back down.

After 10 minutes of you and Soul talking you said, "It's been 10 minutes Soul I gotta go." You stood up and walked towards the door. Soul jumped up and walked you to the door and said, "I'll miss you." You smiled and said, "I'll miss you too." You hugged Soul and then looked into his pretty red eyes. Next thing you know it Soul kissed you and said, "That was to make up for 3 years ago. I haven't stopped thinking of you since then." You blushed and left.

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