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"So Chris, what are you studying in University?" My father asks, just like he has been doing all night

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"So Chris, what are you studying in University?" My father asks, just like he has been doing all night. Poor Chase. Even once dinner ended and most everyone left, he still didn't stop with his line of questioning.

"It's Chase," I say quietly.

"Engineering sir, same as your daughter. We met in class." I hear him say. I look at him with a quick glance before fiddling with my fingers, the blush slowly rising to my cheeks as I think about how we actually met.

"Ah yes, always had to have the brains, this one. We tried to get her more involved in modeling but she didn't take to it. It's not too late you know Alexis." He says condescendingly. I look over at Chase who has a curious expression, probably wondering why they would want me to be beautiful rather than smart.

"It's alright daddy, not everyone has what it takes," Tatiana says with an ugly sneer. Every time she opens her mouth Chase flinches, making me slightly happy that he seems to dislike her almost as much as I do. I love her, but I haven't liked her in years.

My parents asked us to sit in the lounge as soon as dinner was finished so that we wouldn't have a chance to disappear to our rooms like I would love to do right about now. I feel bad at how I didn't sufficiently warn Chase about my family, knowing that I caught him off guard. A small part of me was hoping that Tatiana wouldn't bother to show up.

I was quite relieved at Elijah's apology. He and I were never close, but neither were he and Tatiana. My parents adopted Elijah when he was just one year old, after believing that they weren't able to have children. What a surprise Tatiana and I were.

Growing up, Tatiana and I were always close, being twins, but as our individual personalities started to grow, we too grew apart. Tatiana has always loved girly things like makeup, and anything pink, and boys; I have always liked school, books, anything blue, and I always preferred wearing loose, "tom-boyish" clothing up until my mom told me that I needed to "grow up" and start dressing and acting the part. The role that I was given at birth, what I was born to be: A Thompson.

Elijah joined the military as soon as he turned eighteen, leaving me alone with them two years ago. He was supposed to take over the family company when he was old enough, but he ran away. He had always known that it wasn't the life for him, so instead, it would be mine. Of course, I'd love to have a company of my own someday, but my father isn't pleased that I want to become an engineer before I take over his company. He has never once told me that he is proud of any accomplishments of mine, always praising his favorite daughter: Tatiana.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong to earn his cold shoulder, but it has been this way as long as I've known. I think it has something to do with traditional gender roles, but only having one son hasn't given him much choice over who is to receive the company, and instead of keeping it in the family, he seems more likely to pass it off to a stranger than to me.

I don't even bother to give Tatiana a reply. It wouldn't be a fair fight. Chase grabs my hand inconspicuously with how we are sitting and I give him a thankful smile. He always seems to know what I need and when. We are finally dismissed from the sitting room, and Chase, Elijah, and I make our way to the stairs, leaving Tatiana to talk with our parents alone.

Probably kissing ass, like always. Chase parts from us to go to his room, leaving Elijah and me to catch up after so long. He leads me into his room and I sit on his bed, taking off my heels. "So who's the guy, A?" He's talking about Chase. I blush and look down. He comes to sit with me and lifts my head up. "Is he making you happy?" He asks, looking genuinely concerned. I nod my head.

"Very. We aren't dating, but it feels real, whatever is between us. He's been there for me, through a tough time." He doesn't pry, but I know he's curious. I'm not quite close enough with him to talk about what happened though, so I leave it alone.

"So what about you? How was it?" I attempt to change the subject.

"It wasn't easy, but I'm back, and safe, and finally able to patch things up with you. That was always one of my biggest regrets." He gives me a little side-hug and we smile, just living happily in the moment.

"All right, I think I'm gonna turn in. Night E." I say after talking for a while, picking up my heels and closing the door behind me as I exit Elijah's room. I swing my heels in my hand, walking past Chase's door to get to mine, but when I grab the doorknob to my room, I decide to say goodnight first. I still haven't spent the night alone in my own bed and I know he probably expects tonight to be no different.

The door is cracked open already so I just push it the rest of the way only to reveal Chase sitting in a chair at the desk with Tatiana sitting on top of him, leaning in to press her lips on his. A range of emotions rip through me all at once, the most prominent one being hurt.

At least he can't look at her without seeing me. I think to myself.

 I think to myself

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