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After the night that the cops broke up the party, we thankfully were able to get everyone out while cleaning up enough to make it seem like nothing big was going on

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After the night that the cops broke up the party, we thankfully were able to get everyone out while cleaning up enough to make it seem like nothing big was going on. Not one warning was handed out and everyone had deflated in relief.

I'd been hoping to continue my conversation with Lexi, but by the time we had cleaned the house, she was fast asleep in my bed, wearing one of my shirts. It wasn't easy sleeping with the image of her so peaceful with the shirt riding up to her waist, exposing her cheeky blue panties.

Still, two weeks later I couldn't get the image out of my head. It wasn't because she was half-naked. I'd seen much more than that. It was because she'd looked so vulnerable, so comfortable as if she belonged in my bed. I believed she did.

Since that night, Lexi had started coming around less and hadn't been to a party since. I could imagine how scary it would be for her to be there when the cops showed up, but I hoped that was the only reason.

Today is Lexi's first official game, and it happens to overlap with a big game of ours. I am determined not to let our game run into overtime so that I can catch the last half of her match. Someone has to be there, cheering for her in the stands like she always is for us.

"Coach. I'm feeling a little under the weather. Do you mind if I head off now?" I ask, sweating like a pig and holding my side from the cramp I'd been playing with. He nods curtly, not a man of many words, and I run.

Not bothering to shower first, I swipe my bag from the bench and fish my keys out of it while jogging in my cleats to my truck. Ripping them off before I drive, I throw them into the backseat and start the truck. I park like an asshole when I get there, and lock the doors, running to get to the court.

Thankfully, only one game is being played right now, so it's easy to recognize Lexi. There is no scoreboard with a time clock, but I look at the points to see that I hadn't missed too much. This must be the second or third match. I sit on the bleachers beside a random man and ask him who won the first match.

"They each won one." He says, eying my sock covered feet. I know I must look a mess but I couldn't care less. My eyes lock onto Lexi as Sky sets her up and she spikes the ball down with so much force that the other team doesn't have time to dive for it. Shouting, I stand up and cheer excitedly. Lexi must hear me because she turns around quickly.

Her focus goes back to the game and I sit back down. Sky ends up being the reason they win, the last point gained when she perfectly blocks a hard hit that bounces off her hands and over the net, far enough for either of the opposing players to reach. She and Lexi embrace, excited to have won their first game.

When Lexi finally turns around to find me, her brown eyes grow wide with surprise and humor. I shrug shamelessly and walk toward her. "You look awful." She laughs. "I never thought I'd see the day..."

"I can't say the same. Love the get-up." I wink, letting my eyes roam down her body quickly, taking in her tight red sports bra and matching bottoms. Lexi rolls her eyes.

"The less I wear, the fewer places there are for sand to hide." She says, brushing sand off of her toned and tan stomach.

"And the happier the fans are."

"Pig." She says with no malice behind the words.

"I'll accept it. Wanna get a bite? I'm a bit peckish."

"A bit peckish are you?" She mocks me and I roll my eyes with my tongue in my cheek. "Wanna go get some fish and chips? Maybe a biscuit and tea?" I sidestep, bumping into her lightly and chuckling.

"Okay, okay. Not a fan of my English are we?"

"Actually it's the opposite. I just feel less stupid trying it out loud to you than to my mirror." I bite my tongue and wait as she slips on a pair of black track pants and a zip-up hoodie. We keep walking and I watch in my peripheral vision as she fixes her hair, pulling the elastic out and letting her thick brown locks fall around her shoulders.

"Where to?" She asks, leaning against her car and spinning the keys around her index finger.

"Follow me."

"Okay, my turn. Chip me." Lexi says and I throw a chip in the direction of her mouth. It flies in and she bites down, smiling victoriously with her hands in the air.

"Good catch."

"Good throw." She says and keeps picking at my plate after already eating all of her chips. I move my plate closer to her and look over my shoulder, trying to catch the waitress's attention. She smiles at me and holds up one finger.

"More of these please," I ask, gesturing to the chips that Lexi is scarfing down once the waitress is standing beside our table. Lexi smiles unapologetically and the waitress smiles and leaves us to our own devices. "You look so pretty like this. All messy hair and bright smiles." I admit and watch as Lexi smiles shyly across from me.

"Thanks. For all of this. You didn't have to take me out."

I shrug. "I wanted to."

"Don't feel like you have to come to my matches just because I come to yours."

"That's not why. You deserve a cheering section of your own. I wanted to be it." Lexi inhales deeply through her nose, her lips pressing together. It's like every movement she makes is designed to draw my attention to her heavenly lips. I forget what they taste like.

"Chase I...Thank you." She says, breaking me out of my fantasy, my eyes meeting hers. I smile and hope that it isn't transparent. The mess inside me needs to be dealt with before I allow her to see it.

 The mess inside me needs to be dealt with before I allow her to see it

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