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A couple of weeks later, I find myself driving to the soccer house at ten o'clock on a Saturday night

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A couple of weeks later, I find myself driving to the soccer house at ten o'clock on a Saturday night. Usually, at this time Faye and I would be snuggled up on the couch watching a movie or binge-watching a tv show, but she was gone for the weekend to see her little brother Felix on his fifteenth birthday. Instead, I am alone and not happy about it.

Rain beats down on the hood of my car, further strengthening my argument that tonight is not a great night. I'm not a huge fan of the rain. My car pulls into the long driveway of the soccer house, and I feel thankful that only a few cars are here. Most people are probably out partying, the soccer players are worse than frat boys.

I lock my car and run through the downpour. Before I can reach the front door, I drop my car keys. "God damnit!" I curse, looking around but the sky is too dark for me to see. The outside lights flicker on and I finally catch the glint of silver among the gravel. Snatching them up, I run and am grateful that the front door is protected by a large portico. Knocking and waiting, I shiver as my clothes stick to me.

"Uh, come in?" Justin says confusedly, obviously not expecting me as he opens the door. He is one of the nicest guys in the house, in his first year the same as me but he keeps to himself so I don't see him around often.

"Thanks. Could you get Chase for me? I left my phone in my car and...well, it's obviously pouring." I laugh, holding my elbows and making sure to stay on the mat inside the door so as to not track water through the house.

"What the hell are you doing by the door?" Chase asks. His eyes sweep over me and harden. "You're soaked, Lexi. C'mere." He holds his arms out and I walk into them, gladly accepting his warmth. He reassures me that he'll come wipe up the water after and leads me upstairs.

Pushing me into his bathroom, Chase reaches up to grab two fluffy towels and places them on the towel rack by his shower. "Do you need help or are you okay to do this part alone?" He asks cheekily and I sigh, rolling my head to look at him with a bored expression.

"Get out." I tease, pushing at his shoulder. Thankful for the hot water, I rinse off quickly and use his body wash. Mountain Pine. I knew it. Walking into Chase's room with a towel securely wrapped around my body and one in my hair, I dig through his drawers for dry clothes.

"You know, I'm pretty sure you have more of my shirts than I do at this point." He says, leaning against the doorway to his bedroom. He steps in and closes the door behind him. Crawling in his bed, he turns on the tv.

"You may be right about that. I'll have to lend you some of mine." I turn to stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles. Still shivering, I take out a huge red hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants to change into. Chase doesn't say a word until I'm out of the bathroom and changed, my hair damp and around my shoulders.

"Alright?" Chase asks and I shrug. Explaining the Faye situation, Chase pats the spot beside him in his bed and I crawl in, laying my head on his chest. Being friends with Chase has many perks, this being one of them.

"You should have seen Justin's face, he was so surprised to see me. I probably looked like a drowned rat." I laugh, hardly paying attention to the show that Chase turned on. He hands me my phone once I'm settled and I thank him with a smile.

"That, or the fact that you showed up looking like you were just in a wet t-shirt contest." He snorts, tongue in cheek at my obliviousness.

"My hair couldn't have been attractive." I scrunch my nose up and look up at him.

"That's the worst part. You're always painfully attractive."

"Psh." I sit up and lay on my stomach to face Chase, unsure of how to respond to that. Texting Faye about my plans, I include that Chase and I are having a sleepover because word travels fast in this house, and Faye is the queen of gossip.

"I'm sorry for showing up announced. Next time I'll text and ask first. It wasn't planned, I just sort of...arrived." I say softly. My breathing is shallow and I'm afraid to move, afraid to disrupt the comfortable silence we're in.

"Feel free to show up unannounced anytime, Angel." He says in a way that makes it impossible not to believe that he is being genuine.

"Would have been awkward if you were out at a party. It is Saturday night." I continue.

"Nah, you could've waited in my room if you wanted. Or found someone else to hang out with. Everyone here loves you. Sometimes more than I wish they would." He says and I'm confused by his words, but I don't ask him to elaborate before I end up falling asleep in his bed, wearing his clothes, my body curled into his side.

" He says and I'm confused by his words, but I don't ask him to elaborate before I end up falling asleep in his bed, wearing his clothes, my body curled into his side

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