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I grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket, took a bite, and opened the Instagram app on my phone. 

I went to Cody Bellinger's profile and hovered my thumb over the "Send message" button. Do I want to embarrass myself in risk of him seeing my message and for him to hopefully respond? 

Fuck it. 

I pressed the "Send message" button and stared at the keyboard that popped up below the space to type. 

What do I even say? 

hey, you're probably never gonna see this but i just wanted to say that ur my fav baseball player and i think ur cute 

Why am I the most awkward person ever? 

I put my phone in my back pocket and threw my apple away, bringing my backpack upstairs to my room. I set it down on the floor next to my desk and I changed into sweats and black tank top, putting my hair in a messy bun. 

I laid in bed, knowing I wouldn't get a response. I sighed, got up, and walked over to my desk so I could get some homework done. 

I opened my backpack and took out my binder, along with some notebooks, my TI-84, and my pencil case. I set them down on my desk and sat in my chair. I started with my Precalculus homework, struggling to understand what we learned in class today. 


It was a couple hours later that I finally finished up all my homework for the day. I put my stuff in my backpack and headed downstairs since my mom had just come home from work. 

"Hey Mom, you're home early." 

"Yeah, I finished up my work early so I decided I'd just come home." 

We made our way into the kitchen. 

"So, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could order in some pizza and wings." 

"Oh, hell yeah."

"Okay, go get your sister so we could order." 

I walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to Samantha's room. I popped my head into her room until I got her attention. 

"Can you come downstairs for a sec? Mom needs us." 

Sam stopped whatever she was doing and came downstairs with me to the kitchen. 

"Yeah, what do you want Mom?" Sam said. 

"What kind of pizza do you want?" 

"Onions and pepperoni." 

"And wings?" 

"The lemon pepper ones." 

"Okay, thank you. You can go back to whatever you were doing." 

Sam ran back upstairs to her room. 

"What did you want, hun?" 

"Uh, I'll just get the same thing as Sam." 

"Okay, I'll go order it right now." 

Mom walked away to the living room to order the pizza and wings so I went back upstairs to my room. 

I grabbed my phone from off my desk. I checked to see if I had any notifications. One Instagram notification. 

Wonder what it could be. 

I opened the Instagram app to see what it was. 

 A DM. From Cody Bellinger. 


My heart started pounding. I could feel my face starting to get red. My palms started to sweat. 

He. Actually. Responded. 

I didn't open the DM right away since I didn't want it to seem like I was waiting for his response since I didn't really expect one at all. 

I set my phone down back on my desk and tried to keep my cool. I tried calming myself down. 


"Pizza and wings are here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. 

I brought my phone with me downstairs. Sam made her way downstairs before me. 

I made my way into the kitchen and plopped myself down on one of the stools at the counter. My mom put a plate in front of me and Sam. I took a slice of pizza and put a couple wings on my plate. 

"Hey, can you hand me a water?" I asked my mom who was standing near the fridge. 

"Yeah," she grabbed me a water from the fridge. 

I checked my phone. The red badge on the Instagram app kept reminding me of the message I knew I would have to respond to soon. 

"You okay, hun? You're looking a lil' red," my mom asked. 

"Yeah, must be hot in here or something." 

I continued eating my pizza and made my way onto the wings. I didn't even focus on what my mom and sister were talking about. 


When I finished eating, I made my way back upstairs. 

I decided it was finally time to look at the DM. 

My palms were sweating as I was trying to get to the Instagram app. 

hey! i try to answer at least most of my messages lol but thank you for your compliment. i think ur cute as well so text me anytime. hope we can get to know each other some more :) 

WHAT. Cody Bellinger just called me cute. And he said I can text him anytime. OMG. 

This must be a dream. 

I didn't want to tell anyone about this until I know this is real. Until I know there's something more. 


I must've fallen asleep trying to think about the possibilities that could ever result with me and Cody. 

No, nothing can't happen. He's a big leaguer. He's famous. He probably has a girl waiting for him at home in Arizona. 

I checked my phone. Shoot, I didn't even respond to him. 

omg i didn't think you'd actually respond haha. i'd like to get to know you a bit more too ;) 

What was I saying? Am I trying to flirt with him? Am I trying to pretend he's my friend? 

I got up from my bed and put my hair in a messy bun. I made my way downstairs. 

"Good morning, hun," my mom greeted me. 

"Hey, Mom," I rubbed my eyes. 

"You fell asleep pretty early last night." 

"I did?" 

"You don't remember?" 

"No, I must've been worn out from school." 

"Well, I made you an omelet so eat up." 

My mom placed the plate in front of me, with the fork stabbed into the omelet. 


I finished eating my breakfast. Then I checked my phone again. A notification. 

He responded. 

you busy today? would love to have you at our game tonight and invite you on the field after the game 

This cannot be happening. THE Cody Bellinger is inviting ME to a baseball game. 

I quickly responded. 

no, i'm not. are you serious? i'd love to go! 

My heart was pounding. Am I actually going to be meeting Cody Bellinger tonight? 


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