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~Two months later~

It was moving day... finally. After months of planning, designing and remodelling, her house in Forks was complete. All Katerina and Rosa had to do was make the journey from Skegness to Forks and say goodbye to their homeland and everything they knew. Marie planned to bring Alex up every now and then so that they could both see Rosalice, it was set that they would come twice a year, once on Rosa's birthday (March 23) for a week and again for a week or two at Christmas.

Kat was currently sat in the back of a taxi with her daughter's head on her lap on the way to the Airport (Thunder was in the boot in a cage). Once she had arrived she went through security and all that mojo and found her gate which would open in 15minutes.

~After the flight~ (because I'm lazy and it would be boring)

Katerina walked to get her luggage and pick up her dog all the while holding her daughters hand. Once she had completed the task of finding her way out of the medium sized airport she went on to find her new car, which her 'Step-father' had purchased and dropped off just a few days earlier (he was the only one who knew of her arrival).

With Thunder laying on a blanket in the back seat and Rosa sleeping soundly in her car seat next to him, their luggage in the boot,  Katerina set off on the hour long journey from the airport to Forks High School.

~1 hour 15minutes later~

Okay, so she may have hit traffic and is, therefore, slightly later than was expected, but, Kat was still there before school let out. Which was an accomplishment if she did say so herself. Rosalice was now wide awake and ready to reunite with her only uncle and Thunder-Bolt was just as excited. Kat turned the radio up slightly and began humming along to whatever song was playing- she couldn't recall the name.

It's now been around 10minutes and students are flooding out of the school all staring at the jeep in curiosity. Kat opens the door and steps one heeled foot out, then the next before pulling out her keys and closing her car door, she then moves to Rosa's door and pulls it open before picking her up and placing her on the floor. Rosa moves away from the door slightly and Thunder jumps out and lands on all fours. Will then exits the school with a blonde-ish haired boy and turns to see what everyone was looking at, his eyes widened and he shouted,

"Kat?!" She span around and spotted him running towards them, Rosa began jumping up and down excitedly and as soon as Will was within reach she latched onto his leg with all her might with a wide grin on her adorable little face.

"Uncle Will!" She squealed in delight as he picked her up in a hug.

"Princess!" He replied, all the while being watched by Katerina who was smiling in adoration. William then walked up to his sister with Rosalice in one arm balanced on his hip and hugged his big sister with the other. Thunder stood in front of them loyally like he had been trained to do, ready to attack anyone who may pose a threat, his head snapped to a group of strangely beautiful people and his ears and hairs raised, his tail swishing side to side as he eyed them as they walked to their cars which were about 5 metres from his family. He let loose a sharp bark which loosely resembled thunder- hence his name- and everyone's eyes snapped to him in alert. Will pulled Rosalice closer to him as Katerina walked closer to her dog.

"Thunder?" She asked hesitantly, she wasn't scared of him, more worried for him as she'd realise what those "people" were at second glance. Thunder didn't look at her but let loose a whine to show he knew she was close and moved in front of her in defence mode.

"Cool dog" the big, brawny one exclaimed. Thunder shifted, ready to pounce and destroy the threat.

"Mummy, why is Thunder-bolt angry?" Rosalice questioned in a small voice

"I'm not sure honey" lie she knew why he was, they were vampires, the very creatures he was trained to go up against, hell, his trainer was one. "Thunder, listen to me, I'm okay, Rosa is okay, Will is okay. I need you to calm down sweetheart" he slowly backed away from the people and out of his defensive position and students began leaving the car park.

Kat then crouched, stroked Thunders head and rose again before striding elegantly to the beautiful people with her dog faithfully by her side and spoke,

"I'm sorry about that" she said, "I'm Katerina Swan, Williams sister"

The big brawny one replied, "don't worry about it, I'm Emmet Cullen, This is my girlfriend Rose." A gorgeous blonde stood tucked into his side and held out her hand, Kat shook it.

"The names Rosalie Hale, it's nice to meet you" she smiled slightly at the woman who resembled her best friend from her human years so much that it was unreal. "This is my twin, Jasper, and my adoptive siblings Edward and Alice Cullen."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Katerina looked down at her dog "see?" She questioned, "not gonna hurt me" he rubbed up against her side and she sighed bending down slightly again. "I know it's what Bas taught you" Thunder whined softly, "I know baby, I miss him too." Suddenly her phone started ringing loudly from in the car, Will tossed it to her and she caught it and answered,

"Marie?" She questioned, a sob came in response.

"He's gone! My baby's gone, what do I do?"

"Who is gone?"

"Alex, Alex is gone!"

"Missing?" Katerina hoped it was just missing

"They- They found his- his body on the Motorway, he- he- he's been attacked" Kat broke down in tears

"No, no, no. I should've never left, this is all my fault, why did I leave!" With Rosa in the car, Will embraced his sister.

"It's not your fault dear, he went for a hike" that's odd "said he needed some air a few days ago, wanted to go camping or something" very strange Alex hated camping.

"Wait, how did he go from camping to dead on the motorway?"

"That's what the police are trying to find out, it's so strange though they found him drained of blood" Oh no...

"They did?"

"Yeah they think it might've been an animal or something"

"Ummm, can I call you back later? We aren't even home yet"

"Of course dear..." she paused "I love you honey"

"I love you too" Kat then hung up and started walking towards her car

"What happened to Alex?" Will questioned

"Someone found him dead on the motorway... drained of blood, they think it's an animal." The half siblings shared a look. "Get in" Rosalice had luckily fallen asleep again and Thunder rested his head in her lap as she unconsciously stroked his fur.

The Cullens watched the car pull off in confusion. Alice looked calm and Rosalie watched with envy and joy whilst Edward stared after them in alarm. They all turned to him.

"They know" is all he said and all he had to say.

It's Complicated//P.Lahote LS (Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now