I'm sorry... (Smut)

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Jimin POV: Gosh..on a scale of one to ten I choose an eight because I'm this close to actually killing myself, I don't care who stops me from doing it but I will. I'm not that much of a coward to do it, I don't know if I will be able to go to school today. I have a huge bruise on my face and I still taste blood, even when I try to eat I still taste it. I got up from my bed and got in the shower and then got dressed for school, I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. My mom said"Still got that nasty bruise huh? Don't worry Chimmy. It'll get better soon." I started to cry and said"Why can't everything just go right with me? Just..why? I'm so sick and tired of it..." Mom hugged me and started singing the song"Like a dream" by Navi, I've heard that song so much and it didn't do anything for me. But hearing my mom sing it makes me feel better than ever, I hugged my mom back and said"I love you..." My mom said it back and it touched my heart. She checked the time on her watch and said"Hey it's time for you to go to school, hopefully you'll be okay. I got a surprise for you when you get back." She poked my nose and I chuckled. I got up and left the door. As I was walking to school I saw Jinyoung sitting on the stair steps, I walked up to him and he ran up to me and hugged me tightly. He said"Jimin I was so sick and worried about you! Are you okay?!" I stared at him all teary and then I kissed him and smiled, I said"I'm fine Jinyoung. I'm fine..sorry to worry you like that...i love you so much and I don't want to worry you. Everything's okay Jinyoung." He smiled back and I hugged him real tight feeling his body warmth, he said"Come on. Let's go inside." We went inside and I saw Yoongi by my locker looking pissed, I said to him"Hey Yoongi what's up?" He breathed in and out and said" Hoseok broke up with me...if your gonna ask why...please don't. I've been dating him for 6 months now, and our relationship has been going so great for those months. But when he told me why he was gonna break up with me I was mad as hell." I put my hand on Yoongi and said"I'm so sorry he broke up with you, how are you gonna move on though? It seemed like you really loved him. You guys were great for each other. You really were. I hope your gonna be okay..." Tears fell down Yoongi's face. He tried to hide it by covering it with his hand. Me and Jinyoung gave Yoongi a big hug to make him feel better, Jinyoung said"Shh..it's okay. I promise you'll feel better Yoongi." Yoongi started to chuckle and then it turned into a laugh. He said"You sound like my mother Jinyoung!" We all laughed and I said"Do you feel better now Yoongi?" He shook his head yes. Yoongi said"I hope we're not late. I haven't heard the bell ring yet." I noticed the same thing too. Jinyoung said"Did we get here too early?" I checked the time and it 6:45 AM. I started laughing so hard and said"Guys! We got we early! It's 6:45!!" They both started laughing and Yoongi said"No wonder why I didn't see no one else here! I'm like is there no school today? That's when I saw Jinyoung and like I was thinking so hard why are we the only ones here that's weird. Like that's bogus. Then when I saw you I was like is no one else coming?" I sighed and said"Aish..Yoongi. Your full of wonders right now." We sat outside to enjoy the fresh air and waited till the student came, I checked the time and it was 6:56. I groaned and said"Ugh..come on now. I wanna start the day. And now it's making me feel like I wanna go back home and sleep all day." They both started to laugh and they both agreed. As time went by the students were already here at school, I saw Jungkook walking with Taehyung hand in hand. I said to Yoongi and Jinyoung"Hey let's go inside. The students are already here." We got up and walked inside. Jungkook saw me and let go of Taehyung's hand and ran up to me, he said"Hey Jimin! Look I know you don't wanna talk to me but I need to tell you something please. It's about Hoseok." Yoongi's eyes widen open. He looked scared and I said"What's wrong with Hoseok?" Jungkook looked at me kinda confused and said"N-nothing happened. It's just that Hoseok wants to see you after school. He's not coming today and he doesn't feel well. He wants to see you after school. He wants you to come over to his place." I was confused more than Jungkook was and I said"Well..i am his best friend..so I don't see why not. Maybe he's upset. Guess I could come over there and comfort him." Taehyung walked up behind Jungkook and said"Why did you run?" I rolled my eyes at Taehyung and walked inside the school, I said"I'll see you guys around. Maybe not. Maybe yes. But who knows. I might not see you around." I walked to my locker and put my stuff inside, I looked at the door on the inside of it. I saw a picture of me and Hoseok when we became best friends:

Can't Fall In Love With Everyone~ Vminkook/Youngmin/Yoonmin/Jikook/HopeminWhere stories live. Discover now