You never walk alone (Tiny bit of smut)

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Jimin POV: "OWWWWW!!!! HOSEOK! MY ASS! I NEED TO GET HOME..MOM HAS A SURPRISE FOR MEH!!" Hoseok chuckles under his breath and said"Sorry babe. I couldn't resist. Your ass was incredible." I groaned and moaned in pain, I need to take some pain killers soon. Or else this will never fucking end. I tried to get up but my ass was still in pain, but I pushed through it and was able to get up and get dressed. I said"Hoseok..I hope no one doesn't know about this. I'd be scared if anything happens.." He told me that nothing won't happen. I believed him and said"I need to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" He nodded and I left. As I went downstairs I saw his sister smiling at me with a red face like a tomato, I said"Uh..yes?" She said something to me in a whisper voice"I heard you guys doing it! I recorded the sound!! It was so fucking hot!!!" I blushed real bright and said"Please don't tell my friends..they will be hella pissed.." She made a pinky promise to me. She's sweet and nice. Wish I had a sister like Hoseok's... As I left his place I walked back home, but on my way home I saw my friends. They were walking together. So I tried to avoid eye contact with them, as I walked by them Yoongi said"Hey Jimin! We missed you at school!" I ignored him. He got angry and ran up to me, along with the others that were behind him. He said"Hey dude. Jin said you left school. And..*sniff sniff* you smell like sweat and shame. Your hair is messy and there are hickeys on your neck....what the hell happened?" I blushed madly and said"Nothing happened okay.." Namjoon said"My gosh. Jimin you okay? You look like a hot mess." I ran my fingers through my hair and said"Guys lay off will ya? I need to get home okay? Look I'll talk to you guys tomorrow alright. I don't feel well." Not to mention the fact that my ass hurts.. Jungkook grabbed my arm and said"Heyy! Something happened. Spill it!" I groaned with anger and said"Guys! Will you PLEASE stop! Okay?! Nothing happened! I wanna go home! Please!!" Tears ran down my face as I felt guilty keeping this secret from my friends, I yanked my arm away from Jungkook and ran home. I can't believe I just had an emotional break down in front of them, I'm a coward and I know it very fucking well. When I got to my destination I got a text message from Hoseok, it said"Did you make it home? And the guys told me that you just had an emotional breakdown. You okay Jimin?" I texted him back saying that I did make it home and that I'm fine. I walked inside my house and everything was dark, I got scared and said"H-hello?? Anyone here? Mom?" I turned on the light and people came up from behind the couch and said"SURPRISE JIMIN-SSI!!" I jumped and screamed. I saw my friends there. How?? I said"What did you guys get here??" My mom laughed and said"Oh sweetie. I told your friends about the surprise. I texted them and gave them a real easy shortcut to get here and told them to go through the back when they get here. I texted them early in the morning at five while you were still asleep. I thought I could make you real happy today Jimin." Tears ran down my face again and I smiled with joy, I said"You guys are so hilarious! I love you all so fucking much!" Everyone walked up to me and hugged me as tight as they could, I said to the guys"Hey I'm real sorry for having a meltdown on you like that...I was just upset because I hate it when everyone worries. Hope you can forgive me..." They laughed and forgave me for it, I was so happy about it. But..Hoseok. How am I gonna keep this a secret from them? Their my friends. I love them. He's my best friend and he turned into my lover, but..Yoongi, Jinyoung, Jungkook and Taehyung..ugh!! I need to get away from this. But I can't run away from my problems. Something needs to be done.

Few minutes later~~~~~

I had a great time today with my friends, I wish it didn't have to end so soon. When everyone left Jinyoung decided to stay and help clean up, my mom said"Jinyoung sweetie don't you need to go?" He shook his head no and said"No. I can stay. Besides my mom won't mind because I mentioned Jimin to her before, she says that he sounds like a real good pupil. He is a good pupil." Mom smiled and I smiled. Real big and real bright. I got a little shy on him. I never had gotten a compliment about this stuff before, made me real happy to hear it. I kissed Jinyoung on the cheek and said"Thanks Jinyoung. I love you this much!" I made a heart up over my head to show how much I love him, he picked me up and spun me and then kissed me passionately on the lips. My mom looked at us all teary and I said"Mom? Why are you crying?" She was trying to speak without sobbing and she said"Because I'm so happy to see my baby smiling again! This brings good times!!" I smiled at my mom and I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and hugged her tightly, I realized that people were here for me no matter what happens to me. If I'm sad or mad, or just all over the place I realized that I have people here for me to help me get through the hell I'm going through. I know that I'm not alone.  And I'm never alone because....

I never walk alone

Later that night~~~~
I was in my room just searching through my Instagram and whatnot, it wasn't too long until Hoseok posted a picture of his abs saying"Yooo! Just got through working out today! My abs are tight! 😎😎❤" I blushed madly and looked at the comments, it was mostly from girls saying"Oppa is so cute!" And"OMG! Hyung marry me!" All that crap is just so fucking bogus, no one doesn't deserve Hoseok like I do! What's wrong with me? Why am I like this towards him? He's my best friend. friend/lover. So there's really no difference with that! I gave him a quick comment saying"Wow Hyung! You look real hot! How do you do it? 😂" Few seconds later he gave me a reply and it said"Well Jiminie-Hyung. If you come see me often I'll show you~ (friendly joke! 😂)" He was just saying that because he doesn't want anyone to know that we're secret lovers, besides our friends have Instagram. Even Jinyoung. So I don't want anyone to know. I gave him a message on Instagram and said"Hey Hoseok. When do you think it's the perfect time to tell the others about this? Your sister knows cuz....she heard us and such. So yea..." He replied back and said"Idk. Soon I guess. But honestly I'm a little scared to tell them. I don't want them to get mad and such. I wanna tell them in a way they would understand. But Yoongi, Jungkook and TaeTae, and also Jinyoung. They wouldn't understand. Namjoon-Hyung and Jin-Hyung. They would understand. But still..let's wait." I agreed with a thumbs up emoji and threw my phone to the side, I got up from my bed and went downstairs to see Jinyoung on the couch watching whatever was on the TV. I walked up to the couch and sat next to him, I cuddled up real snuggly and close to him. He smells like Hoseok for some reason because he always had a good scent on him, and then a picture of Hoseok came into my mind without a shirt or any pants. Then the next thing to another he shoved himself inside of me quick, my face turned real red and I was squirming so much trying to get the imagine out of my head and trying not to get an erection in front of Jinyoung. When he saw me like that he said"Jimin? Are you okay?" I shook my head no and picked up Jinyoung's hand and lead it to my erected cock making him rub it, his face turned real red and he said"W-wait! We can't be doing this!" I didn't care. Not at the slightest bit and said"Please..I just need to be touched please..I wanna feel your touches..I can't go on like this.." He gave in and started rubbing my erected cock at a fast pace making me a moaning mess, I said"Ah~ J-jinyoung-ssi~~! F-faster!" He stopped and then went inside my pants and stroked it from there making me moan even more, I was so close to reaching to reaching my climax and I said"f-fuck~! I'm gonna..AHH~!" I came all over his hand. (Yea I'm horrible at smut! XD) I was panting so much trying to catch my breathe, Jinyoung said"Happy now? Why didn't you tell me that you wanted me to touch you like that? I've could have done it right away." I looked away embarrassed from him and said"B-because I haven't been touched like this for a while..I needed your touches.." I lied. I have been touched like that, but in a very different way. Jinyoung got up and went to get tissues for the mess I made, when he got back he started cleaning me first and then himself. He looked up at me and smiled, I looked back at him and smiled at him too.

Can't Fall In Love With Everyone~ Vminkook/Youngmin/Yoonmin/Jikook/HopeminWhere stories live. Discover now