Chapter 2

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"This is the residents lounge," Izzie said while opening a door to an average sized room. There were two women and a man sitting on the bench talking. they all looked up as we entered the room. "Guys, this is the new resident Callie was talking about."

I smiled and introduced myself, "Hi my name is Dr. Lillian Carter." One of the women rolled her eyes and turned so here back was towards me. She mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't hear what it was. The man just sat there acting like I didn't exist and the other woman smiled back at me but went back to her conversation.

"Lillian, this is Alex," referring to the dark haired, rude man, "Christina" referring to the woman who looks of Asian decent that rolled her eyes at me, "and Merideth" referring to the sandy blonde that smiled back. "Sorry they're not always this way." Izzie whispered to me.

"It's okay, there's no need to make friends with the compitition." I replied to her. I didn't care if the other residents liked me or not because it's all part of the job. We are all predators hunting down surgeries like they're our prey. I understand what Izzie said about they in the elavator now that I've met them, and it wasn't that bad.

I made my way over to an empty cubby and put my things down. The others were already changed into the light blue scrubs I had seen earlier so I looked around until I found a rack of them. There was only one small pair left and I grabbed it. As I changed the chatter I heard earlier vanished, and I felt all eyes on me. I turned I'm such a way that none of them could see my back."Is there a problem?" I asked.

They all shook there heads. "I like your tattoo," Alex said. I looked down at the small roaring lion that vacated my left abbdomand. It was about the size of an apple with sharp, vicious teeth. The tattoo was a present to my self for graduating from med school, because it wasn't easy.

"Columbia's mascot is a lion and I thought it look cool." I replied while putting my scrubs on. The top fit fine but my bottoms were short and just came to the top of my tennis shoes. I was 5'10 but most regular lengthed pants fit me.

"I don't like you but that is badass." Christina stated before walking out the door, Merideth and Alex followed. After they left I walked over to the long mirror that was on the wall opposite of the cubbies. I looked at my soft brown waves that I had worked on this morning and my eye makeup that complimented my dark green eyes. Then I looked at how the scrubs fit; they were, like I said, a little short so you could see my nike tennis shoes but fit my butt nicely.

"Looks like it's time to start rounds. You should go to the cheif resident, Callie Torres, so she can assign your interns and get you a pager." Izzie said.

"Thanks for showing me around the place, it's better than I thought it would of been."

"No problem, I thinking helping strangers is a way of life. Usually you get as much as you give."

"I'm greatful and all to you but I hope you don't assume I will return the favor becuase that's not how it works." I left her on that note. Izzie had a surprised look on her face and I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone thinks I'm a kind person untill they get to know me. I put on that act to people I now I won't like. Emotions aren't my thing and I could tell by just looking at Izzie Stevens that she had some.

I walked down the hall to the nurses station and asked if they could page Dr. Torres for me. Soon enough a pretty, tall woman with black hair showed up and said, "You paged?" to the nurse I talked to. That's when I stepped in.

"Hi Dr. Torres, I'm the one who paged you." She grabbed a patient chart and looked up at me. Her eyebrows and overall makeup were gorgeous. Torez had a full figure but it fit her well. Most of the people who work here, that I have seen, are pretty attractive. Boston had some good looking people but everyone who worked there was old or middle-aged.

"So what do you need? I'm kind of busy. Actually I'm not 'kind if busy' I'm out of my mind busy so please hurry up."

I didn't waste anytime because she was obviously annoyed by my vague introduction. "I'm the new resident, Dr. Carter. I was told that you would assign me interns and give me my pager."

"Oh, ok. Well you can take uh." She looked around and picked the first three interns she saw. "George, Lexie, and Mike. Their residents won't care if you take them." Callie went back to the nurses station, "Can someone get Dr. Carter a pager and put her on Sloan's service today." She walked away after that and I thought she might be a little crazy. I guess I would be a little crazy too if I had to manage the residents and cut people open.

Three people showed up beside me and I assumed they were my interns. The first was an average sized man with shaggy brown hair. The second was a tall, skinny, and blonde guy with dorky glasses. Before I got to analyse the third one I heard a nurse say a patient was coding.

I ran in and assessed the patient. It was a middle aged man and he was unconscious and not breathing. "Get me an intubation tube and page this man's doctor." One of my interns handed me the tube but I remembered this was a teaching hospital. "Have you ever done this?" I asked my blonde intern.

"I tried once but I couldn't do it."

"Well here's your second chance, there's no time to argue just do it." He nodded and used the tool to open his throat but it wouldn't budge. "Hurry and try a smaller one." He did what I said but it still wouldn't work.

"I can't do it" The patient wasn't getting enough oxygen and his stats were going down so I pushed him out of the way and grabbed the tube.

"You need to put it it at a better angle, like this." I got the tube in and connected it to a ventilator. The man's stats went back up to normal.

"Wow, you did that fast." He said.

"Well you saw me do it and next time I expect you to be able to do it too." I said to him. "Which one are you?"

"I'm Mike Howe." he answered. Just as he did another man walked in, the man that showed me the Chief's office earlier.

"What happened?" he asked, piercing me with his gaze. His eyes were a vibrant shade of blue.

"Your patient was coding, he wasn't breathing and I had to intubate him." My other boy intern handed me the patient's chart. It said he was diagnosed with ALS. I'm guessing that the paralasyis just reached his lungs.

"We are running an ALS clinical trial here and he was our first patient. We are going to insert a drug into his spinal cord to try and regenerate the lost nerves. If you read up on the case and trial I will let you scrub in, since you saved him." He walked out without another word.

"Wow, getting to scrub in on your first day. Did you sleep with him?" I heard a firmiliar voice say from behind me. Is that? It can't be. It's Lexie Grey.

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