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"Aunt Sharon!"

"Amelia? Are you alright?"

"There's someone in my room!"

That's how they found me. Laying shaking and unconscious underneath the crack in Amelia Pond's bedroom wall.

"How did she get in here?"

"Aunt Sharon, we have to help her. Look at her."

I was covered in scars already healed. Permanent stitching along my chest and small burns scattered my body. My hair was buzzed, and my lips cracked.

"Hello?" Amelia's small hands gently shook my shoulder. "Hello?" She spoke again. "Hello!" she said. This time louder. And with that, my piercing eyes shot open and buried into hers. As Amelia looked, she became trapped within them. She felt like she was seeing the intricacies of a silent galaxy within my wide eyes. She felt calm yet on fire, safe yet never more in danger, utterly in love.

"Please A. Help me"

That was all I said before crashing back into a deep sleep once more. Aunt Sharon was completely lost, not believing what had happened. Amelia, on the other hand, had never been more certain of anything.

"Of course. I promise."

And from then on, the entire galaxy would grow to be envious of those two.

As I got older, my chestnut hair grew longer, I grew taller and Amelia and I only grew closer. That first year was hard. We didn't know my age or where I came from, neither did the police or any government record. I was silent and untrusting, only speaking to or interacting with A. They decided, as to reduce any more emotional trauma, that Amelia and I would celebrate our 4th birthdays together as adopted sisters.

For 2 years I listened and learned from the surrounding world. Yet still I would only speak with Amelia when we were alone. Any other time it was through small gestures or interactions. 'The Silent Child' I was called. But all that changed when a certain Time Boy fell out of the sky. 

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