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That following day; Jungkook's pov

I smiled to myself receiving a new message from Hara, we've been talking for a bit since that fair date. It honestly wasn't so bad but I kept it to myself as I didn't want others to know.

I knew some where going to get upset as i started talking to her again, but something deep in me just told me to talk to her again and I hope I wasn't wrong.

I was currently on my couch reading our messages and smiling to myself then there was another ding but it wasn't from Haru.

It was from Jimin, I groaned as I opened his text message but as soon as I clicked it my eyes enlarged. "Why are you sending me such things?" I typed frantically trying to compose myself.

He soon then replied, "well I'm going on a date later and I was just trying to ask if these pair of boxers looked great on me. I'm sure you know where this can lead to but do they look great on me?" I was shook, why in the world would my best friend send me a picture of him in some tight boxers.

I later then messaged him that they looked alright and soon ended the conversation eagerly waiting for Haru's response.

An hour had passed since I last messaged Haru, I had asked her to go to the movies with me as a mini date as we never really got to experience that as a couple.

I stayed on my couch glooming around waiting for her response until I had enough as I finally got up my phone dinged. I swear I could feel that my eyebrow had twitched in annoyance.

I decided to be petty and not even check my phone leaving my phone alone on the couch.

I decided to go to my bedroom to get showered and potentially get dressed up. As I picked out my outfit of the day I went over to my restroom to fix the water.

A few minutes passed by and checked the water again and it was hot meaning it was ready. I started to get nude and opened the shower door. Steam was coming out hitting my nude flesh leaving me to shiver a bit at the new sensation.

As I got in I soon relaxed under the waters touch it was pleasant and nice. I let my body go limp and just recollected my memories. My heart ached when it landed on the fairs memory and I couldn't stop thinking about Minsun.

Minsun kept repeating in my mind until I grew frustrated she was just a well liked woman and I couldn't control that. I admit that she made me feel some type of way and I didn't like it a bit, I hated feeling so vulnerable in ones presence.

I pulled away from the thought and continued to shower.


As I finished changing I decided to go downstairs to check on my phone and of course it was the message from Haru.

I felt bad for not answering her as she was busy babysitting and she decided to agree on our mini date.

I was happy and cheerful that she accepted; if my older self knew what I was doing in the present I'm sure he would've been upset with me. 

I shrugged that off and decided to go on a mini drive to calm my thoughts.

As I drove on the lonely roads my mind kept drifting off to Minsun

I stepped on the breaks not because of how frustrated I was but because of a puppy. The puppy was walking around but it seemed like in fine condition even had a collar.

I was wondering if I should step out my car and check the dogs collar but as soon as I was about to get out it dashed out of the road and towards a house.

I'm guessing it was just doing its business as a small girl came up to check up on the little dog.

The sight just melted my heart but I soon heard a honk behind me and I soon drove away from the heart warming sight.

I ended up in a small flower shop not really sure what to get or who exactly get it for.

I mildly thought of Minsun but then again she probably already has someone on her mind that isn't me.

Like that Yanan dude he was all up on her, it seemed like they hit it off pretty well. I furrowed my eyebrows and just walked into the small store getting greeted by a young man.

"How can I help you today sir?" The young male asked sincerely.

"What will make a woman's heart throb?" I asked stupidly. The male just smiled and handled me a flier.

"These are our specials that we are currently selling, I'm sure it would swoon your lover."

I smiled unknowingly and instantly pointed at this very expensive item. "I would kindly want this one please." I said with a smile on my face.

"Of course please wait a moment."

He soon then left to the back room and I patiently waited idling the fresh flowers that sat on vases.

I waited for like a good two minutes and I got a bit tired standing so I decided to go sit somewhere. As soon as I was about to leave my position the male came out with a grand bouquet of flowers.

They were just extravagant and beautifully decorated I was speechless.

"I- I'll take it." I proudly said, I pulled out my wallet and handed him my credit card.

"Thank you for making your purchase i hope this makes your lover happy." The kind man said.

"Yes of course what's you name?" I asked curious of this young man before me.

"It's Kim Woojin" he said giving me a small smile.

"Well it was nice meeting you Woojin, I'll see you around." With that I left the small flower shop and proudly walked to my car.

End of chapter 31

A/n: Who are those flowers for?

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