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"Why did you suddenly have to lick your lips like that?" Asked jungkook taking a sip from his nicely brewed broth.

"Well because the food was in front of me and I was obviously hungry. Food isn't for display jungkook when you order it. Type of common sense is that?" I asked slurping up my broth.

"Well I mean some people just buy it for show and leave it there to get soggy." Explained Jungkook as he took bites of his vegetables.

"That's just a waste, there's plenty of people who would want food right now. As in like severely, but anyways let's just eat. I don't want my food to get cold." I said taking another big bite of  my meal.

"But you just got your food, it would get warm but not automatically cold." Argued Jungkook trying to sound smaRt.

He did have a point but I didn't want to seem dumb enough to agree on it. Nevertheless I just wanted to eat as I was really starving.

"Yeah mhm now be quiet I'm trying to eat." I shushed him savoring every flavor that came into my mouth.

30 minutes later.

"Minsun I'm full, yet I don't know how you keep on going. I've had like one bowl yet you had like two now? How hungry were you." Jungkook said in a weak like voice.

"I was very hungry I told you before that I haven't had a proper meal in days. You're paying since you decided this was a 'date.'" I cringed a bit after date left my mouth.

"Well yeah no shit obviously just look at you pigging out. Anyways are you near being done? I want to do other things." Whined Jungkook wanting Minsun to quickly finish already.

"Yes I'm almost done just wait a bit, it's just so good. I'm sure you can't relate as you're watching your figure." I hmph sorta irritated as he didn't really eat as much as she hoped.

"Okay times up we're leaving, and if you don't want to leave fine pay for yourself." He warned completely done waiting. 

I mean he had been done like 10 minutes ago, but he could've waited a little longer.

"Go ahead and pay the bill as I finish this wonderful meal." I said signaling him to go and pay.

I didn't know how I somehow didn't feel bloated. It was unusual for me to feel that way.

Whatever was the cause of it I was grateful that i could stuff my mouth.

"Okay are you done because I'm done paying," asked Jungkook looking down at her somewhat stuffed face.

"Mhm" I said and got up and left some tip money for the person serving us.

"Wait up! I can't be running on a full stomach you know how dangerous that is?" I asked clutching my stomach not wanting to upset it.

"If you weren't so busy stuffing your face maybe you could've been at my pace." He retaliated back.

I huffed out of annoyance that he clearly didn't want to wait for me but just decided to go along with it.

"Where are we going anyways, it's late out and I'm pretty beat." I said slowly walking behind him.

"A place." He stubbornly said walking even at a faster pace.

"You're no fun Jungkook." I whined running a tad bit to catch up to him.

"Who said I was fun anyways?"

I licked my somewhat dry lips out of annoyance and pure frustration that he was one walking super fast and two he was acting like a dick.

That's when I decided to be quiet and just follow along not asking anymore questions.

To this it felt weird to Jungkook as Minsun didn't say a word after all her complaining she was doing to him.

He wanted to stop and look back if she was still there or not but he clearly didn't want to seem soft.

As if he wasn't a master at being super cute and cuddly but that of course was kept a secret.

"Minsun walk faster." He commanded and he hoped for an answer even if it was triggering.

"I can't if you don't slow down. Plus it's not good to run on a full stomach." I said once again desperately trying to get to him.

But at the same time I didn't because I liked the night breeze from back here. Also because I could secretly check him out from behind.

That's when jungkook decided to walk towards her and keep at a pace she could stay lively in.

"Jungkook are we near that place?" My poor feet were killing me as it felt like too much walking.

"We're actually here." He said looking around at the place.

It was beautiful, "wow look at the glossy like sky." I said pointing at the beautiful stars.

"Yeah they're beautiful tonight." He then proceeded to say lowly, "just like you."

Of course Minsun wasn't paying attention but to the fireflies that were surrounding them. "They're beautiful too."


"Jeez how long have we been walking for." Complained Jungkook this time around.

"Not for long but where's your car anyways? We could've ridden in your car dumbass." I shot back slowly walking up a pair of staircases.

"Where are we and don't worry about my car it's in a safe place."

"We're at the place I call home." I smiled but that smile soon turned upside down remembering the mess i have.

"Well what are you waiting for open the door." Jungkook impatiently asked wanting to sit down.

"My apartment isn't ready but it's fully a mess." I confessed.

"Ugh, it's honestly okay just open the door already." He commanded a bit annoyed.

"Well welcome to my sweet home!" I said as I opened the door grand wide for him to see.

The place looked trashed, boxes were all over the place and there was my two uncomfortably couches.

"Well its a start." Jungkook said giving me a small side smile.

End of chapter 42.

B/n: hope you enjoy this update 💞


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