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-Jimin's Pov-

As I was pulling out the parking lot, Minsun decided to blast some music. "Hey unlock the windows, I wanna have the night breeze hit my face." I compiled to her orders and unlocked the windows, "Ever heard of Bruno Mars? He is my favourite westerner artist, So I'm going to put some of his music on okay?"

I only nodded my head, she was connecting her phone with the aux cord. "You're going to enjoy this!" She started to turn up the volume, the cold air hit my face as we drove on the road. The city lights were beautiful, the music wasn't so bad. It was peaceful as we made ourselves closer to home.

"Hey Jimin wanna watch me claim you?" I chuckled as my attention was still devoted on the road, "I can't watch but I can listen to you, but what do you have up your sleeve?"


"Shut up Minsun, I'm perfectly fine being single." I said as I waited for the light to turn to green. "Hey I found him, he is such a cutie!" Someone yelled out.

I turned my head to Minsun's direction, "Minsun!" I moaned out.

"Oo shut up Jimin my song just came on, it's called talking to the moon." The light turned to green so I continued to drive, as Minsun sang her heart out spewing her butchered English.

I couldn't help but laugh, she was just a silly individual. Who ever marries this dork will go through so much hard work. 

Duck it I said, "MOOONNNN, Trying get to youuuu" I sang out with her. 


"Gosh Jimin help me out won't ya? My back is hurting, also go get Darling as you left him alone in the car." I sprinted out the apartment and ran off to the car.

How could I be such a bad caretaker, I got to the car only to not have the car keys with me. "For heavens sakes" I said outloud as I ruffled my hair. I ran again to the apartment, to go collect my car keys.

I really need to work out, I can't even run up some stairs ridiculous. "Hey Min I forgot the keys, I'm really bad at remembering things." I said as I grabbed the keys that were on the counter.

I got to the car and unlocked the door, I got Darling in my hands as I collected a few important things for him.

As I made myself back to Minsun, I was swarmed by some moths as I got closer to our door, "These disgusting insects" I said, as I rushed myself inside.

"Gosh, we really need to do something about those moths, one almost got in my eye." I said as I placed Darling down so he could explore the place.

I stretched my arms out, as I made myself to Minsun. "Hmm, wash your hands we're making dinner together."


-Minsun's Pov-

"No, that's not how you do it. Do you need some help?" I said as I saw Jimin struggling to cut the tomatos. "That would be very appreciated if you did, you see I don't want to cut my fingers now." He said as he scratched his head, as he pouted adorably.

"Gosh, did your mom not teach you? You're too cute to be in the kitchen but seriously, you need to learn how to cook" I said as I showed him how to cut tomatos properly.


-Jungkook's Pov-

"No thank you, thanks for the offer Jimin."  I put down my phone as I ended the call. Jimin had invited me over to eat, but it was quite late as it was 8 PM now.

Dasom had left a few hours ago meaning I was alone, I laid on the cold leather couch. As I thought of my memories, the memories we created. Only to turn out bitter in the end, I was foolish back then.

Why did you cause me this pain, you did it and laughed in my face. Was I that much of an easy target for you? I was innocent back then, when I thought of foolish things.

When love had a meaning to me back then, but now?

It's just a foolish game now,

You humiliated me in front of thousands, you were the reason for all this heartache.

I try to give love a chance but it just ends up the same way. They say your first love is the most beautiful thing to happen. But what happens when that person you so called treasured back stabbed you.

I gave you my all, I gave you what I could possibly give you. Only to get in return were sugarcoated lies. Lies that made me happy, lies that made me fall deeper for you. Lies that shaped you, the lies that I fell in love with.

I took care of all your problems only for you to create thousands for me afterwards.

Why couldn't you ever love me the way I loved you?

Why did you leave this horrible image of love for me? Why were you that fucking selfish, when you had such a perfect image of love.

Were you that fucking selfish to hit me up again? Do you miss what you had? Are you tired of getting played by men? You had me but you lost me.

You ready to own up to your mistakes? You ready to break this sensitive heart of mine? I can't let you do that, because I'm not that man you once knew.

I'm the man you created me in to be.

A/N: Hellooo lovelys, what do you think? Yes I know this chapter was all over the place, but I wanted to let you in to know some of Jungkook's story. I hope those last words didn't confuse you, what he meant by those words are that he isn't the man he was before he met her. He is the man she made him to be, after all she has her story too.

I also decided to update today as I won't have time tomorrow, wish me all luck. I start school tomorrow, have a lovely day/night. 

Hmm I'm not sure if there really is a bad character here, I'm not good at making angst but I'll try.

I don't want to have a cliche plot, trying to change some things up.

Let's see if I can pull this off, thank you for tuning in lovelys.

Stay healthy and cute babes <3

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