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Former cover made beautifully by @KatySantiago8

My name is Clover Hampshire and this is the year 6060 AD.

Society is not what once was.

In 2028 scientists discovered a portal that was hidden in an undiscovered cave, they did studies and soon realized it was portal for time travel. Perfect timing considering it was predicted that a great disaster would occur very soon and so they took everything and everyone. Together they escaped into the greater future.

The future was like the past.

Those who lived during that time said it was because when they arrived in the future, peace had settled again.

Some believed no sizable disaster had even occurred, and nobody ever commented on it because there was no way to tell, at least one that'd they had figured out.

Now after many years, peace has settled on earth, but we live a different lifestyle than before.

When our people time traveled, the future presented them with a unique type of rock.

We believe like many things, that the rocks were presented to us by our gods who gifted us with these powers to reward us for making it this far.

The scientist did experiments on this eccentric rock. Eventually, they figured out that when melted it created a powerful weapon.

They gave us powers. Powers that shape and correspond to each individual's personality. Most families have similar powers because of the values that are passed down. Others have their major differences because the rock, Beaura as we call it, chooses the powers that are MEANT to be for each particular person.

But what was greatly found was that those who were affected were over the age of 17, those who weren't were either still not 17 or were immune to it completely.

Soon after, these rocks were taken by our leaders for safekeeping.

Then, by a decision made, it was dispersed into society.

They figured that to gloat about what powers we received, they had to alter our entire lives, making us nocturnal. For those who have powers, their night vision is clear, for the rest, we have to adjust.

Our school system also came to change and a new holiday came to be. Beauranett Day, a special event that happens every 31st of December at 5 o'clock, just before sunrise. It is the time in which all new 17-year old's are exposed to the pandemic and their true colors are shown.

Therefore this aura around us defines what and who we are. I, myself was not alive to see it change, but I am now and at the end of this week I will see my true colors.


[NOTICE: In this novel advanced technology is used in a simpler form for the readers understanding]

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