3| Clouded Mind

56 17 20

⬆️Hierarchy w/Colors & Powers⬆️

"Okay, how do I look?" Yesenia asks, staring at her reflection in the unvarnished mirror.

I smile, "Beautiful of course."

Her grin widens. The fabric of the blue dress curves at the edges, picking up the air in the room as she twirls in it. Every piece of it hugs her body in all the right places, just as I envisioned it would. It brings a smile to my lips being able to see her finally spend some of her valuable money on something that brings happiness to her kind soul.

I gently close the small suitcase packed with the few valuable possessions I own.

"You packed already?"

I look over at Yesenia, her face ashen. A sad smile settles on my face. The internal pain from having to endure separation from my only family loved one to live in a place of learning is quite difficult to stomach. It is a day that was destined but never became reality till now.

"I understand," she states, walking slowly to me. Her warmth invades my every sense as her arms cascade around my slim body, holding me tight. A warm embrace that holds a thousand unsaid words, one that means the world to us both. It is not goodbye forever, but a moment of maturity when a momma bird knows it is time to let her child's wings expand and set sail into the horizon. It is a difficult task, but a necessary one.

I let out a barely audible laugh, my thoughts a jumbled mess. Placing my hand on her delicate face, I turn her to look into my soul. "It's going to be okay, I'm positive that whatever school they send me to, will be close enough to home. I just won't be living here."

She sniffles and rubs away the traces of her soft tears. "It's just that you are growing up too fast. I remember holding you in my arms that first day you came home."

I embrace her again. My sister was my home from day one, that one stormy night when a doorbell was rung and a baby was left on a doorstep. That night like once before, my parents scurried away into the foreseen oblivion, leaving behind both of their children under the care of a kind old woman that became the mother figure. That is until her heartfelt spirit decided it was time to descend upon to the shining gates of heaven. Then, it was my sister's turn to uphold the position as mother.

"Where's my hug?" A gruff voice calls.

Our arms fall to our sides, making eye contact with the new presence in the room. Jake's masculine figure leans slightly on my room door, a navy blue suit hugs his body and his dark hair is combed to perfection. I smile, blissfully happy that he has become a part of our burdened lives.

His tall masculine figure strolls calmly over to me, embracing me in his arms and shielding me from the beasts of the world. I can never thank him enough for assisting us in confronting our emotional and financial situations, all the hardships we've endured, but never alone for the shadows could overcome us, taking us one by one. Now, I can set out into my future and be alright to leave my sister with the man she loves and will support her until his dying breath.

"Me too!" A young creature crashes into us, causing our legs to wobble. We reach out our arms to steady her small body. Chloe stands in a beautiful white dress, her brown hair pulled back into a bun and a small teddy bear in her hand.

I lift her into my arms. "Are you ready to party?"

She grins, her tiny teeth on display, "Yes!"

I tickle her, causing tiny laughs to erupt from her mouth.

Someone clears their throat and I look up. My grin falters a bit. Jake stands at the door, a beautiful small white cake with lit candles is placed on the palm of his hands.

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