Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Couldn't think of a title for this one lol! I'm glad i got about 3 Votes! I feel special! lol! Anyways hope you enjoy this part!



The next day I woke very tired. I taught back to yesterday. I smiled. I hung the picture by my bed. I let a yawn escape my lips.

"Awe are you tired from hanging out with your boyfriends last night?" Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw my dad. I laughed.

"They're not my boyfriends!" I giggled. He chuckled. I then got ready for school. I decided I was going to walk.

Do I like Hikaru and Kaoru...? Even though I meant them a few days ago, I still consider them my friends...

When I got to school I went to my first class. Hikaru and Kaoru smiled at me. The teacher said we could have free time today so I used this time to talk to the twins and Haruhi.

I told them about my family and where I came from before I moved back to Japan. I also got to know about The Twins and Haruhi's life a little more. The bell then rang dismissing the class. I casually walked out then somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned around saw that it was Haruhi.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked avoiding eye contact. I nodded. She then sighed.

"You're a girl so I can finally say something 'girly' but anyway, I kinda like Hikaru..." She trailed off... My eyes widened.

"Oh, I see... Did you told him that you liked him?" I asked I felt a hint of jealousy in my chest. She shyly shook her head.

"No, but the thing is that he was talking to me before you came to class... He said that him and Kaoru might like you, they don't know yet..." She finished. I blushed a little.

"Oh I- um.." I didn't know what to say. She then gave me a fake smile.

"Well see you in the Host Club..." she then walked away, leaving me speechless.

After another boring day at school I made my way towards music room 3. Everybody greeted me except Haruhi. I then sat by her. She smiled at me.

"Oh hi Y/N! don't worry about what I said earlier okay? We're still friends!" she said. I sigh in relief. I then walked towards Hikaru and Kaoru and their fan girls.

"Hikaru I love you..." Kaoru said tightly hugging his brother

"I love you too brother." Hikaru said looking in Kaoru's eyes. Then all the girls around them shrieked. I couldn't help but laugh. They did this all because of the club they're in.

"What are you laughing at?" They said at the same time. I giggled.

"The way you guys act around these girls is priceless!" I laughed. They both rolled their eyes.

"Whatever..." Hikaru said he then walked away from his twin. Kaoru looked at me.

"Um Y/N? Can I ask you something?" I nodded.

"I saw that you're good in Math so would you like to tutor me and Hikaru?" He said smiling. I admire his smile.

"Sure! Why not!" I smiled.

"Then come to our place after The Host Club. We'll take you to our house." He said. I nodded He then walked back to his brother who was talking to Haruhi.


Kaoru's POV

I can't believe Y/N said yes! Hikaru will be happy about this. I tap on his shoulder. He turned around.

"I asked Y/N to tutor us in Math and she agreed." He smiled.

"Great! Okay I look forward to it!" he then turned back around to finish talking to Haruhi. I smiled to myself. I look forward to it to.

Wow, I guess I really do like Y/N... I wonder if Hikaru really does too... or if still likes Haruhi...?


END OF CHAPTER 5! HOPED YOU ENJOYED! please vote and comment!

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